Product Updates in 2021 Q1

Product Updates Archive for 2021 Q1 period.

2021-03-11 - v21.10

Improvements and Updates

OAuth2 client creation in recipe activation

This release extends the functionality of the authentication client creation. Now you can create OAuth2 authentication clients right from the recipe activation page.

Loader for workspaces list in the invitation form

This specific improvement addresses the issue when the UI would not show more than 20 workspaces in the invitation drop-down. Now loader would appear in case you have more than 20 workspaces. Eventually the list of all workspaces would be presented in the drop-down list.

Please Note: only workspaces you have access to (permission workspaces.workspace.edit) will be loaded.

Configure dynamic flow control

If your component is written in Java then you can now disable the dynamic flow control in the step by setting the ELASTICIO_AMQP_PUBLISH_CONFIRM_ENABLED environment variable in the component repository as false. This is only possible if your component is using the latest Java sailor version 3.3.5.

SAML2 SSO Client

With this release we introduce initial support for SAML2 SSO Client. To support multi-tenancy, each Tenant has to upload their own service provider configuration for SAML 2.0 provider.

When a user clicks on the button in UI e.g. “Login with Facebook” a popup window is opened with the target URL /saml/authenticate?providerId={providerId}. Backend gets the provider from database by providerId for the requested tenant, constructs service provider interface using saml-js library and redirects to the correct auth URL(assertEndpoint or /saml/callback?providerId={providerId} if first is not specified) of the SAML provider.

Then normal SAML 2.0 flow is taking place. In the end, the backend gets info about the user and tries to find in its DB. If the user is not found, a user is created on the fly (that is if auto_create_user is true in provider configuration) using the given user data and temporary password, which could be changed later on the profile page. After that, a new session is started and the user is being redirected to the application itself.

If it is a new user then first_name and last_name will be taken from the similar fields of the SAML 2.0 response attributes.

New frontend endpoints are introduced:

  • GET /saml/authenticate?providerId={providerId}
  • POST /saml/callback?providerId={providerId}

New DB tables:

  • SAMLProvider, more information form the API-docs
  • SAML Identity. This table is using to connect the user with the provider. The record has two relationships user and SamlProvider. It has also an attribute called is_new_user that hold the record in case when the user was not registered in our system, before logging in using SAML 2.0. Service provider.

API-Docs URL setup

With this release we introduce new parameter api_docs_url to the tenant configuration and a capability to manage and redirect visitors to the correct API-documentation version. This is particularly useful in multi-tenant, white-labelled environment where each tenant would have a unique api address.

To benefit from this new parameter you must set the api_docs_url parameter and its value to the tenant record:

  • If api_docs_url is set in the tenant record, every link to the API documentation will be redirected to the provided address.
  • If your installation contains more than one tenants with the same api_domain, then api_docs_url property won’t work correctly for any of these domains. Use api_docs_url only for tenants with unique api_domain.
  • If you set default api_docs_url (default is https://[tenant.api_domain]/docs) in tenant.api_docs_url, you will get a redirect loop.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the problem when the deleted content-based-router component step with not configured branches would block publishing of the draft.
  • Addressed the UI bug when the mapped data would disappear after reopening the flow to examine.
  • Fixed the error in copy flow when the dynamic selectModel was malformed due to 3rd party host issues.
  • Addressed the problem when no workspaces were shown while exporting the flow.
  • Fixed the UI bug when the header part would not load while opening the flow to view or edit.
  • Addressed the redirect loop problem of the api-docs service after the nginx ingress controller upgrade.


Amazon MWS component

  • FIXED a bug when order status filtering didn’t work and orders of all statuses were retrieved instead of a specified status.
  • ADDED a configuration field to set up a number of orders per one page.
  • UPDATED the Java Sailor version: 3.3.2.

CSV component

  • ADDED support for reading a file from a remote URL in Read CSV attachment action.
  • UPDATED the Node.js Sailor version: 2.6.24.

Magento2 component

  • FIXED a bug in Bulk Extract trigger with incorrect trigger behavior with a large number of retrieved objects.

NetSuite component

  • ADDED Token Based Authentication (TBA) option.
  • UPDATED the Java Sailor version: 3.3.2.

REST API v2 component

  • FIXED a bug with request Content-Type mutlipart/form-data header processing.
  • FIXED a bug when component fails when the server provides a binary response without Content-Length.

Sailor version update in bulk

As a part of the component code audit we updated the Node.js Sailor version to 2.6.24 in the following components:

2021-02-11 - v21.06

Statistics for Contract owners

With this release we introduce a new API endpoint (/stats) for the contract owners to collect statistical information including the number of workspaces, flows and the component used in the flows.

Use the following call: GET /v2/stats/workspaces?{contract_id}, where the contract_id is the ID of your contract. Your contract ID is the alphanumeric number found in your browser address-bar after the letter c/ and before /w while you are logged-into the platform.

Notification: flows stopped in limited workspaces

Our platform stops flows in the limited workspaces. We describe this in our Contracts and Workspaces general article. With this release you will receive notification when the platform stops them. You can still login and restart your flows.

Improvements and Updates

Branch creation in Content Based Routers

With this release we improved the behaviour of the branch creation and modification while working with the Content Based Router component. To avoid confusion and standardise the experience the following changes were made:

  • You can not add a step after the Content Based Router and existing branches. The “plus” button is no longer available - only the branch or fork button is presented (see screenshot below).
  • When clicking on the fork button the branch creation menu opens where you can add more branches.

Content Based Router new behaviour

Node.js Sailor update

Current Node.js Sailor version - 2.6.24

With this release we introduce next sets of improvements to the Node.js Sailor, the base library used to compile any Node.js based component code during the platform deployments.

This particular update includes stability for large message (~50MB) processing through the request-reply chain. If you intend to include your custom component in the request-reply scenario, we highly recommend updating the Node.js Sailor to at least 2.6.24 version.

Along with this new improvement the Request-Reply (HTTP-Reply) component is updated. We recommend using at least 1GB RAM memory on the HTTP-Reply component and at least 512MB RAM memory for each step in your request-reply chain.

Java Sailor update

Current Java Sailor version - 3.3.2

With this release we introduce next sets of improvements to the Java Sailor, the base library used to compile any Java based component code during the platform deployments.

With introduction of the the version 3.3.2 all errors in component credential verification are shown in the UI as errors. Previously errors were shown in the logs only.

Minor improvement to UI

With this release we standardised behaviour of the UI in the mapping fields. Some notable improvements are:

  • In the Integrator mode you can used the Tab key for switching between fields and in the Developer mode - for formatting the JSON structure.
  • The mapper in Developer Mode Reference now correctly renders the enum information.
  • It is now possible fill object into nested object field and array into nested array field so the value isn’t converted to a string.
  • If you are member of more than 20 contracts or workspaces, you will not see them all on the left hand-side. Instead, a link with load more will appear which you can use to load more contracts.

Bran Migration instructions

As a part of HA of our Clickhouse service, a migration of Bran service is required. Here are the detailed migration instructions necessary to go with the current release.

Notification about flows stopped in limited workspaces

We introduced a new notification to inform customers about flows being stopped in the limited workspaces. As with every notification, this notification can be muted by patching the tenant record. To mute add the wiper-stop-limited-flow in the list of muted notifications in the tenant record. For more details refer here.

Statistics for Tenant Administration

Note you must have tenant Administrator role to benefit from this feature.

With the introduction of a new API endpoint /stats, the tenant Administration can get the an extended statistical information about all the workspaces, flows and the components used in the flows for the entire tenant.

Use the following call: GET /v2/stats/workspaces, to get the statistics. You don’t need to include the contract_id like in case of the contract unless you need the statistics of one specific contract where you are the owner as well.

Please use this call with care. This call can potentially be heavy for the DB if you have many customers in your tenant.

Tenant Administration Improvements

Note: These changes are included in the 21.06.1 release

As a part of extending the capabilities of the tenant Administrator role we implemented several changes greatly improving the capabilities of this role.

Access to contracts, workspaces and members

Tenant Administrator can list all the contracts in the tenant using the GET /v2/contracts and GET /v2/contracts/[:id] API endpoints without as if he/she was owner of the contract.

Tenant admin can see all the workspaces in any contract of the tenant using GET /v2/contracts/[:id] API endpoint without being the member of this contract.

In addition tenant Administrator can get all workspaces and the members in these workspaces using the GET /v2/workspace/[:id] API endpoint.

Note: We have implemented paging on these endpoints for the UI. Every time only 20 records will be shown. You can use the link load more to see more records.

Access to the Developer teams

Tenant admin has now access to all developer teams in any contract using the GET /v2/teams[:/id] API endpoint. A new permission contract.devTeams.get is added.

Access the Quota Data

Tenant Administrator can now retrieve quota data from any contract or workspace in the the tenant via the GET /v2/quota-usages/ and GET /v2/quotas/:quota_type/:context_expression/ API endpoints.

Modify members in Developer teams

Tenant Administrator has now access to POST/PATCH/DELETE /v2/teams/{TEAM_ID}/relationships/members API endpoints as owner of the contract. With these right the tenant Administrator modify (add or remove) members in the developer teams.

Modify members in Workspaces

Tenant Administrator has now access to POST/PATCH/DELETE /v2/workspaces/{WORKSPACE_ID}/members API endpoint as owner of the contract. Which means, tenant Administrator can add or remove members to any workspace in the tenant without being the member of the contract or workspace. A new permission tenant.workspace.edit_membership is added to the platform.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the bug when the data for credentials verification were getting from cache instead of current UI state.
  • Addressed the problem when the code from latest component version executes during verify credentials instead of the code from chosen component version.
  • Fixed the UI bug when the REST API Headers field would write backwards if a hot key is used to jump between fields.
  • Addressed the problem with the scopes fields in the OAuth2 Credentials creation. These fields are not required.
  • Fixed a bug when some fields of published flow version were still possible to edit causing creation of a new draft version of the flow.
  • Address the problem when during the OAuth authentication process, error messages from the service provider as described in were not displayed to the user.
  • Fixed the UI bug when the integration step configuration were blocked when the latest component version was selected.


Request-reply component

  • FIXED a bug with memory leakage in Sailor
  • UPDATED the Sailor version: 2.6.24

JDBC Component

  • UPDATED the Java Sailor version: 3.3.2

Sailor version update in bulk

As a part of the component code audit we updated the Node.js Sailor version to 2.6.24 in the following components:

2021-01-14 - v21.02

Hidden component deprecated functions

To streamline the user experience while building integration flows, we introduce a separation between component active and deprecated functions. From now on all deprecated functions will be listed under Deprecated Functions menu which will be hidden/closed by default. Here is an example of Functions tab in Database component where the Deprecated Functions menu is open:

Deprecated Functions

We have also improved the look and feel of the radio selectors in general.

Improvements and Updates

In this release we continued to streamline and improve the platform UI pages. For example viewing and editing JSON objects while in integrator mode is now more comfortable.

verifyCredentials errors

We improve the rendering of errors while component credential verification fails. If the component code reports an error, this will be shown in the credential UI as it is.

Node.js Sailor updates

With this release we continue improvements of the Node.js Sailor, the base library used to compile any Node.js based component code during the platform deployments.

Node.js Sailor version 2.6.22 is introduced to enable keep-alive for the global HTTP agent. This release provides a remedy to limitation of outgoing HTTP connection numbers often imposed by the cloud providers.

Node.js Sailor version 2.6.23 is introduced to prevent retry of the AMQP connection errors in the system. It addresses such errors like “Cannot read property ‘publish’ of undefined”. In general, the AMQP connection errors contain no data which can be used to put back into the message queues to retry.

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed the problem with unsaved credentials. It is now impossible to select the credential without saving it first. If you fill-in all the required fields and select the credential, then it will be saved.
  • Addressed the problem with the Configuration component credentials during the recipe activation phase.


CSV Component

  • FIXED bug with Write From Array and multiple messages
  • UPDATED dependencies and the Sailor version

Magento2 Component

  • FIXED bugs in the Create Order
    • No need to nest order entries in an item object
    • Fix in metadata for order items
    • Fix in metadata for regions & countries
  • FIXED bugs in the Upsert Customer
    • Fix logic for regions & countries
    • Countries can now be identified by two letter ISO code, three letter ISO code or by name.
    • Regions can now be identified by ISO code or name.
    • Respond to removed JSON schema reference hosted by Magento docs.
    • Remove empty string from list of gender options.
  • UPDATED dependencies and the Sailor version

Sailor version update in bulk

As a part of the component code audit for a possibility of sensitive data exposing we checked and updated the following component codes and the dependencies: