Embedded Recipe

This document provides basic information on embedded recipe.

There is a way to provide a direct link to a Recipe page for an end user. It’s intended for cases when the end user doesn’t want to manage the elastic.io platform. Eio customer can prepare a platform and compile a link for an end user so he will authenticate and be able to activate a recipe.


  1. Create a user using API.
  2. Add user as a contract member using API.
  3. Add user as a workspace member using API.
  4. Revise user permissions to make him access only things required to activate a recipe.
  5. Create a one-time token for the user using API.
  6. Generate URL and give it to the user.

Generate URL

Here you can see a URL Format:



  • platform_domain (required). Your elastic.io platform domain.
  • recipeId (required). Recipe ID which you want the user to activate.
  • oneTimeToken (required). One-time token that was generated for the user. Used to authenticate a user in the platform.
  • contractId (optional). Contract ID in which the user will activate the recipe. If not provided, the first found contract for the user is used.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Embedded Credentials Demo</title>
  <style>html, body, iframe { height: 85%; width: 90%; margin: 0;}</style>
  <iframe src="https://[platform_domain]/embedded-recipe?recipeId=[recipeId]&oneTimeToken=[oneTimeToken]&contractId=[contractId]" />

Successful activation

When a user successfully activates a recipe, the platform sends a message with a Recipe Deployment ID to the parent window.

    "action": "eio:embedded-recipe:activate-success",
    "data": {
        "recipeDeploymentId": "RECIPE_DEPLOYMENT_ID"
