Product Update - v23.14

Details of the product update v23.14 from 12th of April 2023.

IMPORTANT: New Releases Procedure

Kindly note that our release process is changing. In future, we will release updates once per month (in the last week of each month). This change increases efficiency for the development teams and should not significantly influence delivery times for feature requests. In the current process, feature requests are groomed in 1 sprint, then implemented in the following sprint. In the new process, the grooming and implementation can be executed within a single sprint.

Note: Additional releases are possible in case of any critical changes or urgent feature updates.

See compared diagram below

"Releases compare"


“Logs” page: add step name

We added the Step Name column next to the Flow Name on the Logs page. This makes it easier to isolate relevant logs during trouble shooting.

Note: While hovering on Mapper icon the tooltip will display information with steps interaction.


Transfer modal windows to the new styles: Transform UI for “History” page to React.

We applied a new design to the History tab on the Flow-Designer page and transfer it from ember to react


Creating a values file for the platform chart for deploying on the secondary cluster

Special Release Procedure (if haproxy is exposed)

Firstly deploy haproxy, and only then the platform. Otherwise, some services will crash.

Helm config changes:

  1. Added to admiral chart in the next format
      - name: 'secondary-cluster' # required
       name: 'my-user' # required
       password: 'some-password' # required
     disabled: false
     disabledRealtimeFlows: false
  2. Added ability to disable replicated admiral services (default: true)
  3. Added annotation to all internal load balancers if cloud provider is AZURE
  4. Added values-secondary.yaml file to admiral and platform charts for disabling services that do NOT run on secondary clusters
  5. Added ability in to deploy the platform to secondary cluster (i.e. using values-secondary.yaml). The command example:
KUBE_CONTEXT=great-moraq-stannis USE_SECONDARY=true ./ deploy great-moraq

Changes required in configurations in k8s clusters (e.g. stage-clusters unmerged PR):

  1. In haproxy.yaml add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""
  2. In platoform.yaml:

    2.1. In add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""

    2.2. In add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""

    2.3. In add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""

KUBE_CONTEXT=great-moraq-stannis USE_SECONDARY=true ./ deploy great-moraq

Changes required in configurations in k8s clusters (e.g. stage-clusters unmerged PR):

  1. In haproxy.yaml add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""
  2. In platoform.yaml:

    2.1. In add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""

    2.2. In add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""

    2.3. In add expose: true and loadBalancerIp: ""

    2.4. In add expose: true

  3. In secrets.yaml change all occurrences of haproxy-service.platform.svc.cluster.local to an actual haproxy loadbalancer IP address

Fixed Bugs

  • FIXED bug 500 TimeoutError on GET v2/logs in case of applying together multi-filtering and search
  • FIXED bug, that causes the Websocket for thread updates makes duplicate requests for Flows and Users


AMQP component 1.4.2

  • ADDED retry mechanism on connection errors
  • ADDED configuration fields to set retry options
  • ADDED Don't encrypt payload and Content-Type configuration fields to Publish action
  • ADDED Don't decrypt payload configuration field to Consume trigger
  • UPDATED the Sailor library version to 2.7.1
  • UPDATED the amqplib library version to 0.10.3
  • FIXED bug where the component has cloned connections in Publish action
  • FIXED issue with the shutdown hook in Consume trigger

Splitter component 1.4.4

  • FIXED bug while asynchronous polling with Splitter in Re-assemble Messages mode

Jira Cloud component 1.1.0

  • ADDED Lookup Object (at most one) Action
  • ADDED Upsert Object Action