Product Update - v24.01

Details of the product update v24.01 from the 4th of January 2024.

New Features

Transformed UI for “Workspace” page from Ember to React

The React styles were applied to the Workspace page and all pages inside.

Export multiple flows via UI (backend part)

The new endpoint was added to copy multiple flows. See API DOCS for more details.

Suspend Flow button

Last part of the Suspend Flow feature: Added Suspend Flow to the menu of a flow card "Gear menu item" Added Suspend Flow button to the Flow Designer page "Flow Designer"

NOTE: For the suspended flow, it is prohibited to change the flow graph.

Timestamp fields in the Contracts

Added created_at and updated_at attributes to the v2/contracts on GET, POST, and PATCH endpoints.

Fixed Bugs

  • FIXED Flows settings are not fully visible in the “View list” mode.
  • FIXED Stop Date on the container details page was equal to the current date-time.
  • FIXED Component logo fails to display after updating its visibility from Team to Tenant.
  • FIXED Error on Credentials Page in case the component hasn’t title field (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined).
  • FIXED Saving of data samples with specific structures.
  • CHANGED Incorrect validation of exitCode in k8s-event-handler.


Shopify component 1.6.8

  • FIXED Incorrect output metadata structure for arrays

Salesforce component 2.8.1

  • ADDED Added new Subscribe to PubSub Trigger
    • ADDED Exponential backoff
  • FIXED Duplicate retries

Microsoft PowerBI Component 1.0.0

  • Initial component release
  • ADDED Make Raw Request Action
  • ADDED Retrieve Reports Action

ChatGPT Component 1.0.0

  • Initial component release
  • ADDED Send Request Action

WhatsApp Component 1.0.0

  • Initial component release
  • ADDED Send Message Action

Pinterest Component 1.0.0

  • Initial component release
  • ADDED Make Raw Request Action
  • ADDED Make API Call Action

Rest API OAuth2 Client Credentials Component 1.1.0

  • ADDED Request timeout in sec configuration field to HTTP request Action
  • ADDED More detailed logs for errors
  • UPDATED Default requests timeout to 60sec

Google Spreadsheets component v2 1.1.0

  • ADDED Get Spreadsheet Row Action (based on the existing trigger Get Spreadsheet Row)