Product Update - v24.27

Details of the product update v24.27 from the 4th of July 2024.

New Features

Hide empty executions on Execution page

Improved filtering functionality on the Execution page with the addition of a checkbox option to hide executions without messages. Users can now easily toggle this feature next to the filters, effectively removing empty executions from view. This enhancement optimizes the display of relevant execution data, enabling users to focus on executions with messages and enhancing the overall usability of the Execution page for efficient flow monitoring and analysis.

"Hide empty executions"

Handling unprocessed expiration errors from Kubernetes

Enhanced capabilities with the addition of handling for unprocessed expiration errors from Kubernetes. A dedicated metric that tracks and logs restarts associated with unprocessed expiration errors, providing valuable insights into system stability and performance.

Addressing UI freezing during large Sample loads

The replacement of the old library with a new, more efficient one has significantly enhanced UI memory usage, resulting in a smoother experience when working with extensive sample datasets. This upgrade aims to provide users with a more responsive interface, eliminating freezes and ensuring a seamless workflow when handling large sample loads.

Fixed Bugs

  • FIXED the error message TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter') on the Flows page, even when no flows are present.
  • FIXED snapshots are not being read properly within a single container.
    • A new version of Sailor io.elastic:sailor-jvm:4.0.2 has been released.


Square component 1.0.0

  • Initial component release
  • ADDED Make Raw Request Action
  • ADDED Webhook Trigger

Microsoft Dynamics for Finance and Operations component 1.0.0

  • Initial component release
  • ADDED Make Raw Request Action

Kafka component 1.1.0

  • ADDED new authentication mechanism: SASL/OAUTHBEARER

Flow Linking component 1.1.0

  • ADDED Lookup by id checkbox to Trigger another flow Action
  • ADDED Retry errors checkbox to Trigger another flow Action
  • FIXED Socket Hang Up issue

AMQP component 1.4.3

  • UPGRADED Consume trigger now locate the logs and messages in the last flow execution
  • UPGRADED Sailor to v2.7.2
  • UPGRADED amqplib to v0.10.4

Bynder Component 1.1.0

  • ADDED Lookup Object By ID Action

Monday component 1.2.0

  • ADDED Webhook Trigger

SFTP component 1.7.1

  • UPGRADED Sailor to v2.7.2
  • UPGRADED component-commons-library to v3.2.0