Limitations on Attachments

This document provides information on limitations on attachments.

The attachments is one of the platform areas where we enforce the limitations to ensure proper functionality of all micro-services. Most of these limits are configurable to some extent. Here are the areas where attachment sizes are limited:

  • Importing attachments into the platform, two options:

    • POST/Push it to the Webhook and

    • Pull it from a storage (SFTP, S3, File system etc.)

  • Processing attachments in the platform by reading in the component (e.g. CSV) and writing it back to attachment storage (e.g. CSV, Amazon Merchant, etc.)

  • Exporting attachments to the outside world (e.g. SFTP, S3, e-mail attachment, etc.)

In this article, we will describe the limitations using the most popular components as an example. You can read about the various limitations of a other components in the articles on the components themselves.

Please note that in what follows we will show both examples of components with limitations and components that are not themselves limited in either body size or attachment size. In the case of the latter, however, it is important to pay attention to what limitations the platform itself has in order for the component and the entire flow to work correctly.

Importing the attachments


You can POST maximum of 10MB data (HTTP PUSH) for further processing via WebHook.

Please note: the maximum allowed size is enforced on the whole HTTP post (body + attachment).

When exceeding the HTTP post size limit, a user trying to send the HTTP Request will receive the HTTP 413 - Request Entity Too Large error response.

Pulling via SFTP/S3/etc

Importing attachments from outside by polling is limited by individual components:

  • SFTP component would poll the files below 100 MB in size. In cases where a file is bigger than 100 MB, it throws an error indicating that the file size, for example, is 124857600 bytes and it violates the variable MAX_FILE_SIZE, which is currently set to 104857600 bytes.

  • REST API component would download large binary files via REST/HTTP and serve them as attachments (see content-type limitations in the REST API component documentation. When reading a file from HTTP its maximum size is bounded to the available component memory. In case of running into the limit the error message will be shown to the user, and if problem persists after a number of restarts the complete integration flow will be suspended.

Processing attachments

Some components parse (read) or write (create) attachments:

  • ZIP Component can write ZIP files with sizes exceeding 100MB, however, any larger files would fail due to platform limitation in attachment size.

  • CSV Component can create a CSV file and it is only limited by the available RAM memory of the component. In case of running into the limit the platform will give an error message, and if problem persists after a number of restarts the platform will suspend the complete integration flow.

Exporting attachments

Exporting attachments to 3rd party systems imposed by component as well as limits of 3rd party systems:

  • Email component has a limit of 10 MB for body size. Attachment limits are bounded to the available component memory.

  • REST API component can upload (PUSH, PUT) binary files via REST/HTTP. When uploading a file its maximum size is bounded to the available component memory. In case of running into the limit the platform will give an error message, and if problem persists after a number of restarts the platform will suspend the complete integration flow.

  • SFTP component has no limit on the file size to upload into the SFTP server. However, the files creation and transfer through the integration flow has limits and they would apply here as well.