Recipe Deployment

This document provides information on recipe deployment.

The Recipe Deployment is an entity that connects an original Recipe with a set of flows created during a single activation.

All flows that are part of the Recipe Deployment are not editable. The only way to edit the flows is to unlink the Recipe Deployment.


Synchronization is the process of updating the Recipe Deployment to the latest version of the Recipe. You will see a synchronization icon near the Recipe Deployment name if it’s outdated.

The synchronization process will:

  1. Stop all currently running flows.
    1. All the data in the queues will be lost.
  2. Delete the old set of flows.
    1. All snapshots and execution history will be lost.
  3. Create a new set of flows.
  4. Start the new set of flows.


On the Recipe Deployment unlinking, you will be asked for 2 options:


  1. Just unlink the Recipe Deployment - unlink its flows from the Recipe
  2. Same as in the first option, however, in addition, delete the flow