Actions & Triggers in Component.json

This technical reference describes the structure of the actions section of the component.json manifest file/component descriptor file

Actions & Triggers Object

The actions & triggers objects in the component.json describe the actions & triggers that exist within the component.

Actions are operations exposed to the flow builder that can be placed in any step except the first step of a flow.

Triggers are operations exposed to the flow builder that can only be placed in the first step of a flow.

Both action and trigger objects in component.json have similar structures however there are small differences between them which are described in this article.

Each key-value pair in the object represents an action or trigger that is exposed. The string key acts as the identifier for the action/trigger.

The structure used to describe each action or trigger is described below.

If the component has no actions, then the component.json file should not have an actions field. If the component has no triggers, then the component.json file should not have a triggers field. All components must implement at least one action or at least one trigger.

Property Name Action/Trigger Description
title Both Action or trigger’s title to be displayed in the UI
description Both Action or trigger’s description to be displayed in the UI
deprecated Both Used to flag the action/trigger as deprecated
main Both Identifies the code entry point for the action/trigger
type Triggers Only Identifies if the trigger should be a polling or webhook trigger
fields Both Identifies config fields which provide flow-level configuration for the action/trigger
dynamicMetadata Both Signals that the component will dynamically communicate the expected structure of incoming and outgoing messages of the action/trigger
metadata Both Statically defines the expected structure of incoming and outgoing messages of the action/trigger

Title & Description

The title and description of the action/trigger to be displayed in the UI Example of Action/Trigger Title & Description in the UI

Type: string


  • title: Upsert Object
  • description: Given criteria that matches at most one object, update that object or create it if it does not exist


Used to signal that this action/trigger should not be used in new flows and that existing flows should migrate to a different action/trigger.

Example of Action/Trigger Deprecation in the UI

Type: boolean

Default Value: false


Identifies the code entry point for the action/trigger.

In the case of JavaScript components, the code entry point is identified as a path to a .js file which contains the code for the action/trigger. This path should be relative to the root of the component.

In the case of Java components, the code entry point is identified as a fully qualified Java class name which implements the logic for the action/trigger.

Type: string


  • JavaScript: ./lib/actions/upsertFile.js
  • Java: io.elastic.soap.actions.CallAction


Triggers Only

Identifies the type of trigger. There are two options: polling and webhook.

  • Setting the value to polling will cause the platform to start the flow at regularly scheduled intervals based on a CRON expression.
  • Setting the value to webhook will cause the platform to generate a URL when the flow is published. The flow will be run when HTTP(S) requests arrive at this URL.

Type: string enum of polling or webhook

Example: polling

Default Value: webhook

Fields Object

The fields object describes the flow specific config fields that need to be configured for the action/trigger.

To learn more about the required structure for this object, see the dedicated article on the fields object for more information.

Metadata: metadata & dynamicMetadata fields

More information on the metadata schema structure can be found in this article.

These two properties indicate how the component will communicate to the platform the expected structure of incoming and outgoing messages.

There are three options for how the message structure is communicated:

  • Incoming messages should be mapped to a static structure. The structure of the incoming and outgoing messages are stored in the component repository along with the code.
  • Incoming messages should be mapped to a dynamic structure. Once the platform has the credential and config field information, the platform will call a code entry point in the component to learn the metadata.
  • Incoming messages should not be mapped.

Dynamic Metadata

If the action/trigger uses dynamic metadata, then

  • the dynamicMetadata value should be set
  • the metadata property should be omitted

Some examples when dynamic metadata is used include:

  • There is an action that is modifying an object whose structure can be customized. (E.g. Salesforce allows users to add new object types and tweak the properties/fields stored on existing objects.)
  • The required fields change based on the config fields. (E.g. Looking up a page of objects requires different inputs to looking up all objects.)

When dynamic metadata is used, once all required configuration fields for an action/trigger have been submitted, then the platform will call component code to learn the metadata.

  • JavaScript: When using dynamic metadata with JavaScript components, the dynamicMetadata field should be set to boolean true. The file containing the action/trigger with dynamic metadata needs to export a function getMetaModel() which accepts the credential & config field information and then returns the metadata as an object with two keys in and out which describe the expected structure of incoming and outgoing messages.
  • Java: When using dynamic metadata with Java components, the dynamicMetadata field should be set to a string that is the fully qualified name of a Java class which inherits the io.elastic.api.DynamicMetadataProvider class.

Whenever a config field is edited, the metadata will be refreshed.

Example of Dynamic Metadata Loading

Static Metadata

If the action/trigger uses static metadata, then

  • the dynamicMetadata value should be omitted
  • the metadata property should be set and at least the in property should be set.

Some examples when static metadata is used include:

  • There is an action that is modifying an object whose structure can never be customized. (E.g. Updating Credit Card Data.)

There are two possible formats for static metadata:

  • Metadata is inline in the component.json file. In this case, metadata is an object with two properties in and out. Each property is an object that describes the expected structure of the incoming or outgoing messages.
  • Metadata is stored in external JSON files. In this case, metadata is an object with two properties in and out. Each property is a string which contains a path (relative to the component’s root directory) to a JSON file which contains an object that describes the expected structure of the incoming or outgoing messages.

No In Metadata

If the action does not expect incoming messages to be transformed by the platform’s built in mapper, then

  • the dynamicMetadata value should be omitted
  • the metadata property should not have a value for the in property or be omitted completely

Some examples when no in metadata is used include:

  • The action contains mapping logic hardcoded (e.g. code component)
  • The action applies JSONata or similar transformations itself (e.g. splitter component)
  • The action has no inputs (e.g. configuration component)

When No In Metadata mode is selected, then there will not be a mapping step between this component and the previous component.


(Example of action object implementation in the component.json)

  "queryAction": {
    "title": "Query",
    "main": "./lib/actions/query.js",
    "metadata": {
      "in": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "query": {
            "maxLength": "20000",
            "title": "SOQL Query",
            "type": "string",
            "required": "true"
      "out": {}