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Email Configuration

This document explains how to enable and disable each outgoing email from the platform for your Tenant. The complete list of emails is here.

Email Configuration

You can enable or disable all emails for each Tenant. This is done by updating the Tenant via the following API request:

curl{TENANT_ID} \
    -X PATCH \
    -u {EMAIL}:{APIKEY} \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
        "agent-request": true,
        "contract-deleted": true,
        "contract-invite-empty-contract": true,
        "contract-invite-new-user": true,
        "contract-suspended": true,
        "contract-unsuspended": true,
        "password-recovery": true,
        "repo-new-version": false,
        "repo-new-version-in-workspace-flows": false,
        "task-error-notification": true,
        "task-operational-error": true,
        "team-from-contract-invite": true,
        "team-removed-member": true,
        "user-removed-from-contract": true,
        "wiper-exhaustion-quota-notification": true,
        "wiper-flow-suspended-due-to-queue-overflow": true,
        "wiper-suspended-queue-purged": true,
        "workspace-invite-empty-workspace": true,
        "workspace-invite-new-user": true,
        "workspace-removed": true,
        "workspace-removed-member": true

To control set the template value to true or false, to enable or disable them respectively.