Product Update - v24.09

Details of the product update v24.09 from the 29th of February 2024.

New Features

Display component access level on the “Repositories” list

Enhanced the access levels visibility for the component by displaying directly on the Repositories list.


Improved authorization for deleting Production Workspaces

Enhanced security measures by adding a confirmation step, requiring password authentication or OIDC provider verification, for sensitive actions such as deletion of Production(Full) workspaces via the DELETE v2/workspaces/:id endpoint, ensuring authorized access and preventing inadvertent actions.

Learn more about sensitive actions

thread_id returned in Response Headers in case the HTTP Reply component fails

To improve the error tracking and debugging, the thread_id value is now returned as the x-execution-id in the response header when a flow Webhook-Reply encounters an error before the Reply step, facilitating easier identification and resolution of failed webhook interactions.

Reduced the size of JSON schema for data samples on UI

Based on the feature from the previous release we decided to reduce the maximum size of the data sample to 256 Kb.

Fixed Bugs

  • FIXED spacing issues and one typo on the profile page for white-label tenants
  • FIXED error where was not possible to create a new Workspace for the users with the Member role in the Contract
  • FIXED browser Error 401 due to a connection.sid cookie


Telegram component 1.0.0

  • Initial component release
  • ADDED Make Raw Request Action
  • ADDED Webhook Trigger
  • ADDED Send File Action
  • ADDED Send Message Action

Salesforce component 2.8.3

  • FIXED bug where component didn’t use replayId after error in Subscribe to PubSub Trigger
  • INTRODUCED baseURL parameter in the Raw Request Action's configuration of the Axios library.
    • Note: The component interface has not changed. This is a technical enhancement. It will not affect any of the existing integrations. Instead, it gives more flexibility to call other REST endpoints than the standard /services/data

SFTP component 1.7.0

  • ADDED new option Emit file content (Base64) to the configuration of two actions: Download Files and Download Files by name.
    • Note: This option makes file content to be emitted as a message.

Utility component 1.6.0

  • UPDATED Log Message Action:
    • ADDED Log without formatting checkbox to configuration
    • ADDED Message to log object to input metadata
    • FIXED issue with incorrect logs when the message is above 256000 bytes

Stripe component 1.2.0

  • ADDED Lookup Objects (plural) Action

Shopify Admin Component v2 2.3.0

  • ADDED Webhook Trigger
  • FIXED issue with missing object types list in Get New and Updated Objects Polling Trigger