Product Update - v23.06

Details of the product update v23.04 from 9th of February 2023.


New Recipe create/edit UI features

As a continuation of the updates introduced in Release 23.04, we have added new features related to recipes:

Please Note: that all Recipe functionality is released as PREVIEW to all Users. In the coming 2 months we will restrict Recipe functions to Users with Tenant-level access. Users with Enterprise subscription access will be able to access Recipe functions as an upgrade to their subscriptions.

If you would like more details or an offer, please contact

  • ability to select multiple flows to export to recipe

  • update an existing Recipe

All the changes start from the Flows page. First you have to start with exporting a flow to a recipe:

"Export Recipe"

Then you can select multiple flows to export and then click the corresponding button:

"Select multiple flows"

In the new recipe window you can configure your recipe. You can name your recipe (1) and give it a description (2) - this field supports Markdown. You can also give a description to credentials - this is especially important if you are embedding the credentials step into a 3rd party site! - (3) and set up visibility (4). After finishing configuration click on Save:

"Configure export"

You can also update an existing recipe. In the Save as drop-down please select the option Update existing recipe Find a recipe you want to update in the drop-down list and select it:

"Select recipe"

Please Note: During the configuration process, you will need to specify credentials for all components in the recipe where they are required:

"Set Credentials"

New Recipes Articles

In connection with the latest updates to the recipes feature, we have updated and supplemented our articles on the topic of recipes. You can:


Autostart flows on Recipe activation

We improved the behavior of v2/recipes/:recipe_id/activate endpoint. You no longer need to start flows after activating a recipe - created flows are starting automatically.

Fixed bugs

  • FIXED bug, where fake container error The container could not be located when the pod was deleted. The container used to be Running appears in Runlog.

  • FIXED bug with recipe activation URL. We set back the recipe URL to {base_url}/recipes/{recipe_id}.

  • FIXED bug when quota throw an error when copying multiple flows concurrently.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 component 1.2.0

  • ADDED Upsert Object Action
  • UPDATED the Sailor library version to 2.7.1

Salesforce v2 component 2.5.1

  • FIXED issue with 431 and 414 errors in Get Updated Objects Polling trigger
  • ADDED new configuration field Selected Fieldsin Get Updated Objects Polling trigger