Configuring Help Links

This document explains how to configure help links for Platform UI and provides examples.

You can put help links on different stages of integration Flow creation:

  • When creating and verifying new Credentials
  • When selecting trigger or action of the Component
  • When receiving Credentials errors
  • When configuring Component fields and mapping, etc.

You can configure help links per Component via help property in a component.json:

   "help": {
        "description": "Lorem ipsum",
        "link": ""


  • help.description - used to provide a short (1-2 sentences) description for the user as a quick help.
  • - used to provide a URL of a more details documentation. This URL is configured by Platform administrator. Additionally property may be defined in Credentials object and in all triggers and actions.


  "title": "Salesforce",
  "help": {
       "link":  ""
  "credentials": {
    "fields": {},
    "help": {
        "link": "#credentials"
  "triggers": {
    "queryTrigger": {
      "help": {
          "link":  "#query-trigger"
  "actions": {
    "queryAction": {
      "help": {
          "link": "#query-action"