Product Update - v23.44

Details of the product update v23.44 from 31rd of October 2023.

New Features

Steps monitoring and limitation management service

The quota type per_contract_container_count_limit now controls the number of steps (including mapper) in active flows (both ordinary and real-time; in the running and sleeping states) per single contract. In simple words, the user can’t start the flow if this quota is exceeded.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Clear the resourcerecords collection. It is needed to perform a request for sync quota for all quotas with Service Account credentials after deploying: POST /sidedoor/quotatxns/sync/container (container, user, workspace, flow).

Restoring deleted flow

All deleted flows are stored in our database for 24 hours after deletion by default (controlled by env var WIPER_CLEAR_DELETED_FLOWS_AGE_SECONDS). We created a functionality that allows tenant-admin to restore the flow during this period.

We introduced new endpoints: GET /v2/flows/deleted?workspace_id= - to get the list of deleted flows POST /v2/flows/:id/restore - to restore the deleted flow The new permissions are granted to the Tenant Admin role: tenants.flow.view_deleted tenants.flow.restore


Filter flows by components on the Flows page


Added new filter[component_id] into GET v2/flows endpoint to search by component name in the workspace. See API DOCS.


Added new filter “Component” to the Flows page. Using this filter the system will filter and display the flows that contain selected components. The filter is multi-select. "Component"

Forbade to change the contract name for TRIAL contracts

Introduced new attribute type: full (default) | trial to the contract model. See API DOCS. If the contract is created through the registration page the type will be set to: trial by default. With this attribute change the contract name is forbidden. Also, we performed the migration and set up the type trial for all contracts that have TRIAL_ in the name or custom data.

Fixed Bugs

  • REMOVED Unnecessary warning messages during component executions
  • FIXED Webhook requests with malformed paths crush the platform services
  • FIXED API doesn’t validate the log_level value for the v2/flows endpoint. Now, allowed values are: trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal. See API DOCS


Rest API OAuth2 Client Credentials component 1.0.1

  • UPDATED Dependencies to the latest versions
  • UPDATED REST client to be reusable

Mapper component 1.0.1

  • UPDATED Sailor version to 2.7.1
  • UPDATED jsonata-moment to 1.1.5 that supports JSONata 1.8.6

Shopify Admin component 1.6.7

  • UPDATED The credentials verification process to not require any Shopify scope (previously: read_products scope). The platform now utilizes the ‘get_shop’ endpoint, which doesn’t necessitate any scope, as opposed to the previous ‘list products’ endpoint.

Salesforce сomponent 2.7.2

  • UPDATED Subscribe to platform events Trigger:
    • FIXED Duplicate retries if connections are lost
    • FIXED Incorrect behaviour of AuthFailure

Shopware 6 component 1.1.3

  • FIXED An issue when the component crashes due to the input metadata for the Upsert Object Action
  • FIXED An error in the Object Type selection for Lookup Objects (plural) Action