Environment variables available during component execution

We export a number of environment variables during each task step execution. You can use these variables in your component.


We export a number of environment variables during each task step execution. You can use these variables in your component.


  • ELASTICIO_API_USERNAME: The name of your user to be used for authentication with elastic.io REST API.

  • ELASTICIO_API_KEY: The API secret key for for authentication with elastic.io REST API.

  • ELASTICIO_API_URI: The address of elastic.io REST API.

Step Execution

  • ELASTICIO_TASK_ID: Id of the task being executed

  • ELASTICIO_EXEC_ID: Id of the execution

  • ELASTICIO_COMP_ID: The id of the component being executed

  • ELASTICIO_FUNCTION: Name of the action or trigger being executed

  • ELASTICIO_USER_ID: Id of the user whose task is being executed