Stripe component


A component that connects to Stripe API.

API version

A user can specify whatever API version they need (e.g. 2022-11-15). There is a field in the component’s metadata where an API version can be set. If the field is blank, version 2020-08-27 is used by default.

Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
API_RETRIES_COUNT false Set how many time system try to make request to API on errors (3 by default) any integer above 0
API_RETRY_DELAY false Delay between retry attempts in milliseconds (10000 by default) any integer above 0
API_REQUEST_TIMEOUT false HTTP requests timeout in milliseconds (15000 by default) any integer above 0


Component credentials configuration fields:

To verify credentials request GET with your Secret Key is used. So if you are restricted to make this API call - simply skip credentials verification.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Make Raw Request

Executes custom request.

Configuration Fields

  • Don’t throw error on 404 or 402 Response - (optional, boolean): Treat 404 and 402 HTTP responses not as error, defaults to false.

Input Metadata

Make Rae Request

  • Url - (string, required): Path of the resource relative to
  • Method - (string, required): HTTP verb to use in the request, one of GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE.
  • Request Body - (object, optional): Body of the request to send.
  • API Version - (string, optional): API version (by default version ‘2020-08-27’ will be used). Stripe versioning. Stripe API-changelog.
  • Idempotency Key - (string, optional): Unique value which the server uses to recognize subsequent retries of the same request (UUID is recommended). Stripe Idempotent requests.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - (number, required): HTTP status code of the response.
  • HTTP headers - (object, required): HTTP headers of the response.
  • Response Body - (object, optional): HTTP response body.

Usage Example

As of the component version 1.1.0 an input body can be set as a plain JSON object. While version 1.0.0 expected an input body to be built as a application/x-www-form-urlencoded data only. Version 1.1.0 allows both options.

As an example we’ll be using the Payment Links endpoint.



  "method": "POST",
  "url": "v1/payment_links",
  "data": {
      "line_items[][quantity]": 3,
      "line_items[][price]": "price_1MJXtjGB4S5N5BY8ymGY6TWC"

In version 1.1.0 both options will work. Either as we showed for 1.0.0 or a plain JSON:


  "method": "POST",
  "url": "v1/payment_links",
  "data": {
    "line_items": [
        "quantity": 3,
        "price": "price_1MJXtjGB4S5N5BY8ymGY6TWC"
        "quantity": 10,
        "price": "price_1MJh6eGB4S5N5BY8kJ1Q6exh"

Lookup Objects (plural)

Lookup a set of objects by defined criteria. The action is built on top of the Search endpoint provided by the Stripe API.

To lookup objects you need to construct a query according to the Stripe requirements. You can learn more about the Stripe Search mechanism and Search Query Language in particular following the links provided.

This language is very straightforward and powerful.

Note: Use single quotes '' instead of "" if you need to use it on the platform.

Let us provide a few examples:

  1. name:'Joe' AND -phone:'000' - Look for all the objects of a given type having name ‘Joe’ and NOT having phone ‘000’.
  2. amount>100 OR status:'succeeded' - Look for all the objects of a given type having amount greater than 100 or status succeeded.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (dropdown, required): Object-type to lookup. Currently, supported types are:
    • Charges.
    • Customers.
    • Invoices.
    • PaymentIntents.
    • Prices.
    • Products.
    • Subscriptions.
  • Emit Behavior - (dropdown, required): Defines the way resulting objects will be emitted, one of Emit all, Emit page or Emit individually.
  • Page size - (number, defaults to 100, maximum 100) Number of records to be fetched for each API request. Positive integer only.

Input Metadata

  • query - (string, required): A search query. See the links and samples above to get an idea on how to build it.

Output Metadata

For Emit All and Emit Page mode: An object, with key results that has an array as its value. For Emit Individually mode: Each object that fills the entire message.