Allmysms component


This component provides a possibility to send SMS to one or multiple receivers using the AllMySMS API.

How works

The component enables sending of the SMS from the platform. It includes a demo API key and Trial sending ability, when the trial is used the message that is sent has a prefix of TRIAL USE: added to the message, the number of senders is limited to 2 in trial mode.


  • API key - API key to access AllMySMS service API.
  • login - Login of user account for AllMySMS API.

If one of the credential fields is blank then component will work in a trial mode:

  • TRIAL USE: will be added before the text
  • Number of recipients will be limited to two.


Environment variables


Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about AllMySMS component like changelog.


This component has no trigger functions. This means you can not select it as a first component during the integration flow design.



This action will send SMS to one or multiple numbers provided all the input fields are filled are filled correctly.

Send Here are the input fields:

  • Mobile numbers - List of receivers mobile numbers separated with comma. E.g. "3xxxxxxxx,3xxxxxxxxx". Recommended to limit number of receivers to 2000. N.B. Specific number validation is not performed by the platform.
  • Sender Name - Sender name that will be displayed on receiver side. Requirements: 3 to 11 characters, only alpha-numeric (A-Z/0-9) and must start with a letter.
  • Message Text - Text that will be sent. Requirements: Maximal length is 160. Everything above will be truncated.

Additional information

Check AllMySMS API online documentation for details.

Known limitations

Here are the limitation of this component enforced by the AllMySMS.

  • Sender Name must be 3 to 11 characters long and contain only alpha-numeric (A-Z/0-9) values and must start with a letter.
  • Message Text must be no longer than 160 characters for a single SMS.
  • Number of recipients is recommended to keep below 2000.