Amazon MWS component

Amazon MWS

An integration component which helps Amazon sellers to programmatically exchange data on listing, orders and more using the Amazon MWS API.


Data integration with Amazon enables high levels of selling automation, which can help sellers grow their business. Please visit Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) Documentation for more information.

How works

This Amazon MWS component can be used to connect your Amazon Seller account with other services.

If you intend to use the Amazon MWS API you must have an Amazon MWS-eligible seller account and you must register to use Amazon MWS. Please visit Registering to use Amazon MWS page to choose your country applicable developer’s page.

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about AWS-S3 component like changelog and completeness matrix.


Here are the credentials necessary to authenticate with the Amazon MWS:

Please refer to the document how to provide us access to your Amazon seller account for details.


Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
RESPONSE_CHECK_DELAY false Determines delay for requesting submit feed result (in milliseconds) Default: 30000


Get New And Updated Orders

This trigger polls for the orders in your seller account based on the selected Order Status. All orders which are retrieved according to specified parameters are stored in component memory and will be emited in one message after the last order is retrieved.

User is able to use following input fields to configure the step:

Order Status

Is the only required field, it has the following available values:

Get New And Updated Orders

  • Pending - all the pending orders
  • Shipped - all the shipped orders
  • Unshipped - all unshipped orders
  • PartiallyShipped - partially shipped orders
  • Canceled - canceled orders
  • Unfulfillable - not fulfillable orders
  • PendingAvailability (Japan only) - all orders with status pending availability, only available in the Japan store
  • InvoiceUnconfirmed (China only) - all orders with status invoice unconfirmed, only specific to Chinese store

Maximum Orders per Page

Number of maximum orders per request page, find more info about MaxResultsPerPage in Amazon MWS documentation.

Please Note:

  1. Sample would be retrieved according to specified value.
  2. Trigger would retrieve all requested objects during runtime (each request to Amazon MWS would be sent according to specified value).

Start Time

Starting from this time trigger retrieves orders from Amazon MWS (LastUpdatedAfter in Amazon MWS).

Use 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000 +0000 format for input data, it will be transformed under hood to Amazon MWS date format

End Time

Before this time trigger retrieves orders from Amazon MWS (LastUpdatedBefore in Amazon MWS).

Use 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000 +0000 format for input data, it will be transformed under hood to Amazon MWS date format

Please Note:

  1. Trigger debug task (sample retrieve) makes ONLY one API request for throttling safe purposes. Component will throw an exception, if Amazon MWS returns a response with code 503 caused by throttling. In any other cases trigger will poll Amazon MWS API till correct response any 30 seconds (by default).
  2. Next flow steps after Get New And Updated Orders trigger may require additional memory in case when big number of orders emited by the trigger, or they could fail with error Reason: OOMKilled Exit Code: 137.
  3. We recommend to use real-time flow in cases when more than ~2000 orders are expected to be emitted by the trigger.


  1. Trigger throws an error in case when no more orders found for specified time range in case when End Time has been specified : Caused by: com.amazonservices.mws.orders._2013_09_01.MarketplaceWebServiceOrdersException: LastUpdatedAfter date [2021-02-19T13:38:48.974Z] cannot be after LastUpdatedBefore date [2021-01-20T10:00:00.000Z]


Get Order

Takes an array of Amazon Order IDs as an input and returns an array of orders for each order.

Get Order Input sample:

  "amazonOrderIds": ["114-3808039-1650643", "114-3665772-3967461"]

List Order Items

This action would fetch and give the Order Items on output. This action only needs the Amazon Order Id on input:

List Order Items The output object contains an array of values listing the order Items of the given the Amazon Order Id. The output has the following structure:

    "type": "object",
    "required": true,
    "properties": {
        "amazonOrderId": {
            "type": "string",
            "title": "Order Id",
            "required": true
        "orderItems": {
            "type": "array",
            "title": " Order Items",
            "required": true,
            "properties": {}

Submit Product

This action can be configured using two parameters: Operation and Category.

Submit Product Operation defines the action type you wish to do:

  • Upsert - upsert the records
  • Delete - delete the records
  • PartialUpdate - update only one part of the records

Category defines the specific category of the product and it can have the following types:

Auto Accessories, Beauty, Books, Camera & Photo, Cell Phones & Accessories (Wireless), Clothing Accessories & Luggage, Computers, Consumer Electronics, Entertainment Collectibles, Grocery & Gourmet Food, Health, Home Improvement, Industrial & Scientific: Lab & Scientific Supplies, Industrial & Scientific: Power Transmission, Industrial & Scientific: Raw Materials, Jewelry, Lighting, Miscellaneous, Musical Instruments, Music, Office, Outdoors, Pet Supplies, Shoes Handbags and Sunglasses, Software and Video Games, Sports, Sports Collectibles, Tires & Wheels, Tools, Toys & Games

Submit Product (Category from payload)

This action can be configured to submit the product information based on dynamically selectable products from the payload.

Submit Product (Category from payload) Action perform the following operations:

  • Upsert - upsert the records
  • Delete - delete the records
  • PartialUpdate - update only one part of the records

Update Order

This action is for updating ‘Order’ entities using submitting feed mechanism. The action includes mechanism for polling submit feed result.

Update Order

Input metadata

Action requires an array with items description as input data

    "type": "object",
    "required": true,
    "properties": {
        "messages": {
            "type": "array",
            "required": true,
            "items": {
                "amazonOrderID": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true
                "merchantOrderID": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true
                "statusCode": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true
                "amazonOrderItemCode": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true
                "merchantOrderItemID": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true

Update Item

This action is for updating ‘Item’ entities en using submitting feed mechanism. The action includes mechanism for polling submit feed result.

Update Item

Input metadata

Action requires an array with items description as input data

    "type": "object",
    "required": true,
    "properties": {
        "messages": {
            "type": "array",
            "required": true,
            "items": {
                "SKU": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "required": true
                "Quantity": {
                    "type": "number",
                    "required": true

Submit Inventory

This action can be configured to submit the inventory based on the dynamically selectable values of the Inventory catalogue:

Submit Inventory

Change Product Image

This action can be configured to change the product image based on the dynamically selectable values of the Inventory catalogue:

Change Product Image

Change Product Price

This action can be configured to change the product price based on the dynamically selectable values of the Inventory catalogue:

Change Product Price

Establish Product Relationships

This action can be configured to establish the product relationships based on the dynamically selectable values of the Inventory catalogue:

Establish Product Relationships

Get Feed Submission Status

This action is for submitting the status to the feed. It accepts the Submission ID and the type as a string value on input and outputs the values of the same parameters:

Get Feed Submission Status

Get Feed Submission Result

This action is for submitting the result to the feed. It accepts the Submission ID and the type as a string value on input and outputs the values of the same parameters:

Get Feed Submission Result

Additional Information

Locating your Developer Keys

To locate your developer keys at Amazon MWS follow these steps.

  1. Login to Amazon Seller Central dedicated to your country. To find which one to use simply visit Amazon Services and navigate your way through your Seller Central page.
  2. After login navigate to your Settings > User Permissions page.
  3. When in the User Permissions page scroll-down to find the section called Amazon MWS Developer Permissions and check the Current Authorizations. Copy the Developer ID from here for later use when you would need to create the necessary credentials to use inside the platform Security Credentials part.
  4. Click the link called View your credentials in the column entitled Action Taken. If you have several Developer IDs in your account then make sure to click on the link in the row where the related Developer ID is located. When clicked a window will pop-up with 3 values: AWS Access Key ID, Secret Key and Status. Make sure that the Status = Enabled.
  5. Copy AWS Access Key ID, this is your Amazon MWS Access Key from the credentials.
  6. Click to Show the Secret Key value and copy it. This is the Amazon MWS Secret Access Key from the credentials.

Connecting the Amazon Seller account

To retrieve your Seller ID and the MWS Auth Token values you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Visit Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) and click on Sign up for MWS or login if you have done this already previously.
  2. You will be presented with this screen where you would need to select I want to give a developer access to my Amazon seller account with MWS option.
  3. Fill in the details for the Developer’s Name and the Developer Account Number. The last one is your Developer ID. Check the (3) of the Locating your Developer Keys for information. Click Next to go forward.
  4. Agree to the therms and conditions on the next page presented and click Next to finally create credentials.
  5. A page will be presented where you can see the details of your credentials. Please copy the Seller ID and the MWS Auth Token values before navigating away. This page is shown once.