Batch component


A component that provides an opportunity to collect messages to a batch.

General information


Сomponent that provides an opportunity to collect messages to a batch.

The main purpose is to provide a user with a simple collection and an opportunity to process messages in batches.

Integrators would need to split an integration logic into 2 parts. The first one should use the action Add message to batch which starts to collect messages. The second one should start with the Get ready batches trigger.

Flow parts It uses the Maester service as a package repository, the legacy component versions support using MongoDB (versions: 4.0 and higher stable releases) as a batches repository.

Please be advised that the component does not support external MongoDB as a data store since version 2.0.0 (disabled support for credentials in the component).


Maester microservice should be enabled on installation and what would happen if it doesn’t.


Get ready batches

Emits all batches that are ready to be processed.

Get ready batches

Input fields description

Input field Required Description Example
Max time in ms before Batch is ready false Timeout in millisecond after batch creation, which makes batch ready for processing. Defaults to 60000 ms 3000
Max records number in Batch false Maximum count of items in batch which makes batch ready for processing. Defaults to 100 10
Max size of Batch in bytes false Maximum bytes size of items in batch which makes batch ready for processing 1000000(1 MB) 500000
Correlation Id true Correlation Id between action and trigger. Correlation Id helps identify what collection of batches should be used Flow1
Do Not Delete Batch After Retrieval false If checked, the batch will not be deleted after emit false

Important: Use the same configuration in action for correct batch processing.


Add message to batch

Stores a message in a batch and emits a created/updated batch with a processed item only.

Add message to batch

Input fields description

Input field Required Description Example
Max time in ms before Batch is ready false Timeout in millisecond after batch creation, which makes batch ready for processing. Defaults to 60000 ms 3000
Max records number in Batch false Maximum count of items in batch which makes batch ready for processing. Defaults to 100 10
Max size of Batch in bytes false Maximum bytes size of items in batch which makes batch ready for processing 1000000(1 MB) 500000
Correlation Id true Correlation Id between action and trigger. Correlation Id helps identify what collection of batches should be used Flow1

Important: Use the same configuration in trigger for correct batch processing

Additional info

  1. Created objects in Maester would have default TTL, please contact support in case if you need value of this property.
  2. Please make sure that values of Max time in ms before Batch is ready are less than Maester default TTL, as you would never get your batch ready (object in Maester would be deleted before batch is ready).

Known Limitations

  1. Component uses Maester microservice, so the component is affected by it’s limitations.
  2. Emit rate logic is not implemented.
  3. The library does not guarantee a sequence of batch items.
  4. Parallel Processing doesn’t affect on component performance.