DeepL component


The DeepL Component is specifically crafted to interact with the DeepL API.

Related pages:

DeepL component


The DeepL Component is specifically crafted to interact with the DeepL API.

The current version of the component has been tested with API version v2.


To utilize the DeepL Component, you must provide the following credentials:

  • Authentication Key (string, required) - This key is essential for accessing the API. You can easily locate your unique key within your account settings.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Make Raw Request

Enables you to run your own custom requests directly through the DeepL REST API.

Configuration Fields

  • Don’t Throw Error on 404 Response - (optional, boolean): This setting configures the handling of 404 HTTP responses as non-errors. By default, it is set to false.

Input Metadata

  • URL - (string, required): The specific path of the resource, which is appended to the base URL https://api(-free)
  • Method - (string, required): Determines the HTTP method for the request.
  • Request Body - (object, optional): Contains the content for the request.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - (number, required): Indicates the HTTP response status code.
  • HTTP Headers - (object, required): Showcases the HTTP headers of the response.
  • Response Body - (object, optional): Represents the body of the HTTP response.

Translate Document

This action enables you to translate whole documents and supports the following file types and extensions:

  • docx - Microsoft Word Document.
  • pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint Document.
  • xlsx - Microsoft Excel Document.
  • pdf - Portable Document Format.
  • htm / html - HTML Document.
  • txt - Plain Text Document.
  • xlf/ xliff - XLIFF Document, version 2.1.

Please note that with every submitted document of type .pptx, .docx, .xlsx, or .pdf, you are billed a minimum of 50,000 characters with the DeepL API plan, no matter how many characters are included in the document.

Configuration Fields

  • Target language - (dropdown, required): The language into which the text should be translated.
  • Emit behaviour (dropdown, required) - By default, we need to wait until DeepL translates the file after it was sent to the server periodically checking the status, here you can select when the component should emit a message. Options currently available:
    • Emit directly after sending - The component will not wait for the result but will provide document_id and document_key to check it manually.
    • Wait for the file without download - The component will emit a message with document_id and document_key only after the file is translated and ready for download.
    • Wait and download file (default) - The component will emit a message with attachment_url with downloaded to the internal storage file and billed_characters.
  • Source language - (dropdown, optional): Language of the text to be translated. If it is blank or set to Autodetect DeepL will attempt to detect the language.
  • Formality (dropdown, optional): Sets whether the translated text should lean towards formal or informal language. Options currently available:
    • More - For a more formal language.
    • Less - For a more informal language.
    • Prefer more - For a more formal language if available, otherwise fallback to default formality.
    • Prefer less - For a more informal language if available, otherwise fallback to default formality.
    • Default.

Input Metadata

  • File URL (string, required) - URL to file from external or internal storage.
  • File name (string, required) - The name of the uploaded file.

Output Metadata

Depending on selected Emit behavior:

  • For Emit directly after sending and Wait for the file without download there will be two fields:
    • document_id (string, required) - A unique ID assigned to the uploaded document and the translation process.
    • document_key (string, required) - A unique key that is used to encrypt the uploaded document as well as the resulting translation on the server side.
  • For Wait and download file there will be following fields:
    • attachmentUrl (string, required) - URL to downloaded file in the internal storage.
    • billedCharacters (number, required) - The number of characters billed to your account.

Translate Text

Translate the provided text into the selected language

Configuration Fields

  • Target language - (dropdown, required): The language into which the text should be translated.
  • Source language - (dropdown, optional): Language of the text to be translated. If it is blank or set to Autodetect DeppL will attempt to detect the language.
  • Preserve formatting - (checkbox, optional): Sets whether the translation engine should respect the original formatting, even if it would usually correct some aspects.
  • Formality (dropdown, optional): Sets whether the translated text should lean towards formal or informal language. Options currently available:
    • More - For a more formal language.
    • Less - For a more informal language.
    • Prefer more - For a more formal language if available, otherwise fallback to default formality.
    • Prefer less - For a more informal language if available, otherwise fallback to default formality.
    • Default.
  • Tag handling - (dropdown, optional): Sets which kind of tags should be handled. Options currently available:
    • Enable XML tag handling.
    • Enable HTML tag handling.
    • Disable.
  • Split sentences - (dropdown, optional): Sets whether the translation engine should first split the input into sentences. Options currently available:
    • No splitting at all - Whole input is treated as one sentence.
    • Splits on punctuation and on newlines - Default when Tag handling is not set to HTML.
    • Splits on punctuation only - Ignores newlines, is default when Tag handling set to HTML.
    • Default.

Input Metadata

  • Text - (string, required): Text to be translated. Only UTF-8-encoded plain text is supported.

Output Metadata

  • detected_source_language (string, required) - Language of the translated text.
  • text (string, required) - The translated text.


  • The total request body size in Translate Text action must not exceed 128KB.