Delta Detection Component

Delta Detection

A component to manage records from a system which does not provide timebased change tracking or webhooks.


Component learn about new records, updates to records and deletions of records from a system which does not provide timebased change tracking or webhooks.


The component would not work without the platform native object-storage service. The service is configured as a part of standard installation.


External id - field to identify component. Should be unique per maester instance


Delta Detection

Action helps to learn about new records, updates to records from a system that does not provide time-based change tracking or webhooks.

Common mechanism of action:


Example Integration Flow Using This Action:

  • Extracts all records from a system on a daily basis
  • Runs the entire dataset through a delta filter
  • Performs upsert operations in some other system

Example Integration Flow Hashing logic consider that the following two JSON strings represent two JSON objects that are semantically identical produces the same hash:

{"foo":"bar","bar":"baz"} = {"bar":"baz","foo":"bar"}

Hashes are done with cryptographically secure algorithms and non-reversible.

Expected input metadata

Click to expand metadata schema
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
      "objectId": {
        "type": ["object", "string"],
        "required": true,
        "title": "Object ID"
      "objectData": {
        "type": ["object", "string", "array"],
        "required": true,
        "title": "Object Data"
  • objectId - set unique identifier for storing object information at external object-storage.
  • objectData - set object data, that component can detect changes.

Please use developer mode in case when objectId or objectData should be another object type (array or object).

Expected output metadata depends on incoming object structure.

Read Entire Bucket Contents

Action helps to read the entire contents of the saved bucket in a single message.

Expected config

There are no configuration fields.

Expected input metadata

There is no input metadata.

Expected output metadata

Output metadata is bucketContents object (required): the entire contents of the saved bucket.

Write Entire Bucket Contents

Action helps to set the entire bucket contents.

Expected config

There are no configuration fields.

Expected input metadata

Input metadata is bucketContents object (required): value to set the entire bucket contents. The object must have the following structure:

    "objects": [
            "objectId": 1,
            "lastSeenTime": "2022-05-26T13: 47: 17.887Z",
            "objectData": {
                "b": "foo",
                "c": "bar",
                "a": "foo"

Each object from objects array must contain objectId and objectData properties, lastSeenTime is optional and if is not set will be set current timestamp.

Expected output metadata

Output metadata is bucketContents object (required): echo back the value that was saved.

Delete Object/Record

This action use for deletion one Object/Record from the bucket

Expected config

  • If no object found (dropdown, optional, Emit nothing by default) - select one of options to handle case when Object not exist in bucket:
    • Emit nothing - component will not produce any messages
    • Emit an empty object - result will be empty object: {}
    • Throw an error - error will be thrown

Expected input metadata

  • objectId (number/string/object, required) - unique identifier for Object/Record

Expected output metadata

Empty JSON Object ({})

Known Limitations

  1. Please note: Bucket Lifetime is 24 hours.
  2. The hash function generates the same hash for different types of quotes: '', "", ` `` `
  3. Pre-fetch count should be equal 1. Correct behavior with pre-fetch > 1 is not guaranteed
  4. One credential cannot be used in more than one step per all platform instances that are connected to one maester installation as it would lead to a collision