Docuware component


A component that connects to DocuWare API

General information

Description iPaaS component that connects to DocuWare API.

Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
REQUEST_MAX_RETRY false Set how many time system try to make request to API on errors (3 by default) any integer above 0
REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY false Set delay between requests on errors in ms (5000 by default) any integer above 0
HOST_ID false Client identifier that would be attached to each request as an optional debug information. any string


You need to use following properties to configure credentials:

  • Username - Provide a username that has permissions to interact with the DocuWare, required.
  • Password - Provide a password of the user that has permissions to interact with the DocuWare, required.
  • Server URL - place, where registered DocuWare account, required.
  • Regional Settings - - Handle culture and language cookies, optional.
  • Cookies - Place to store access cookies received from the login process & other received metadata (e.g. expiry time), optional


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Raw Request

Action to call any DocuWare API endpoint

Input Metadata

  • Url - Path of the resource relative to the URL base (, required.
  • Method - Allowed values GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, required. HTTP verb to use in the request.
  • Request Body - Body of the request to send
  • Don’t throw error on 404 Response - (optional) Treat 404 HTTP responses not as error, defaults to false.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - HTTP status code of the response, required.
  • HTTP headers - HTTP headers of the response, required.
  • Response Body - HTTP response body.
  • URL to Response Body - If the HTTP response body is present and is not JSON, here will be a link to the Maester attachment.

Lookup Documents (Lookup Objects Plural)

Action to lookup documents in DocuWare by parameters

Config Fields

  • File Cabinet Id - (String, required): Id of File Cabinet to use.
  • Search Dialog to Use - (String, required): Id of Search Dialog to use.
  • Behavior - (Dropdown, required): Behavior to emit items (Emit Individually or Fetch all.)

Input Metadata

  • Operation - (String, required): Operation for request parameters (Or or And). Other fields are dynamically generated

Output Metadata

  • Result - array of items or single item depends os selected Behavior

Make Raw File Upload Request

Action to upload file to DocuWare

Config Fields

  • Method - (String, required): values GET, POST, DELETE. HTTP verb to use in the request.

Input Metadata

  • DocuwareUrl - (String, required): Relative URL path to call. For example:{FileCabinetId}/Documents/{DocumentId}/FileDownload?targetFileType=Auto&keepAnnotations=false
  • Request Headers - (Object, optional): Headers of request for DocuwareUrl
    When Method is POST additionally two fields:
    • Request Body URL - (String, required): URL to a Maester attachment that would be provided as the HTTP body for the request. For example: http://maester-service.platform.svc.cluster.local:3002/objects/object-id?storage_type=maester
    • File Name - (String, required): Url for the file from platform storage

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - HTTP status code of the response, required.
  • HTTP headers - HTTP headers of the response, required.
    When Method is GET:
    • Attachment URL - Link for attachment saved into platform Maester storage. In other Method-s:
    • Response Body - HTTP response body.