Google-shopping component


Component exposes Google shopping API.


A Google service that allows users to search for products on online shopping websites and compare prices between different vendors.

productId - unique product identifier. Consist of:


Component requires at least 1GB of RAM to work correct:

Set env variable EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB to 1024.


Component supports Service account as authentication mechanism.

How to create credentials

  1. Open
  2. Sign up
  3. Select your country
  4. Enter name of store
  5. Click on “continue”
  6. Agree to the Terms & Conditions.
  7. agree with terms…
  8. Click on “continue”
  9. Click on skip
  10. Click on menu button and choose “COntent API”.
  11. Click on “authentication” tab.
  12. Click on Create API key.
  13. Click on “I have read and agree to the terms” and then “Accept & continue” in Google Cloud Platform section
  14. Click on “I have read and agree to the terms” and then “Accept & continue” in Google APIs Terms of Service section.
  15. Notification “A new API key is being created. This may take up to 30 seconds.” is shown on the screen.
  16. Pop-up API key created successfully. The only copy of this key (content-api.json) is saved on this computer. Store it securely.
  17. In addition, you now have a new Google Cloud project and service account. Learn more” is shown up.
  18. CLick “Ok”
  19. File content-api-key.json file has been downloaded.

How to insert credentials into platform

  1. Settings -> Security credentials -> Google Shopping component -> Add New Account
  2. Enter Name of account.
  3. Copy-paste all text from content-api-key.json file into “googleKeyFile” field.
  4. Enter your Merchant ID from Google Merchant Center.
  5. Click on “Verify”.
  6. Click on “Save”.


Id of customer’s merchant account.


Content of json file with google key.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Upsert Product

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Delete Product

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Get Product

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

List Products

Product CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Get Product status info

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

List all Accounts status info

Product CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Update inventory and price

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Inventory CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Get Account Authinfo

Claim Account Website

Request input parameters accountId

Get Account info

Request input parameters accountId

Delete Account

Request input parameters accountId

Get Accounts List

Create Account

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Patch Account

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Update Account

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Account CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Get Account tax List

Request input parameters accountId

Patch Account tax

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Update Account tax

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Account tax CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Get Account status info

Request input parameters datafeedId

List all Accounts status info

Account CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Create Datafeed

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Get Datafeed info

Request input parameters datafeedId

Get Datafeeds List

Delete Datafeed

Request input parameters datafeedId

Datafeed CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Update Datafeed

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Patch Datafeed

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Get Datafeed status info

Request input parameters datafeedId

List all Datafeeds status info

Datafeed CustomBatch

Request JSON schema ./src/main/schemas/

Common request structure description

Detailed fields description with fields dependencies