GraphQL component


A component that use GraphQL - a query language for APIs and a runtime for fulfilling those queries with your existing data.


  • Endpoint - (string, required) set endpoint to your GraphQL API.
  • Type - (dropdown, optional, default to No Auth) may be used when authorization needed
    • No Auth - don’t use any authentication
    • Basic Auth - use HTTP Basic access authentication
      • Username - provide a username
      • Password - provide a password
    • API Key Auth - use HTTP Basic access authentication
      • Header Key - custom HTTP Header
      • Header Value - HTTP Header value


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Raw Request

Action to execute provided raw GraphQL request string

Config Fields

There is no Config Fields in GraphQL component.

Input Metadata

  • Query (string, required) - Your query, represented as text inside “query” key.

Raw Request

Click to expand for more details:
  allFilms {
    films {

Output Metadata

  • Depends on Query execution result, represented as object inside “data” key.
Click to expand for more details:
   "allFilms": {
      "films": [
         "title": "A New Hope"
         "title": "The Empire Strikes Back"
         "title": "Return of the Jedi"
         "title": "The Phantom Menace"
         "title": "Attack of the Clones"
         "title": "Revenge of the Sith"

Configured Request

Action to execute custom GraphQL request for chosen service

Configured Request

Config Fields

  • Query Type (dropdown, required) - Select one of the supported query types:
    • Query - use to fetch data
    • Mutation - use to modify server-side data
  • Object Type (dropdown, required) - Select Object you want to fetch/modify
  • Response structure max depth (number, optional) - Set dependent objects depth, defaults to - 1

Input Metadata

Autogenerated based on GraphQL introspection mechanism and includes all available query objects fields

Output Metadata

Depends on Query execution result, represent An object inside “data” key, includes Pagination and Edges

Known limitations

  1. Configured Request action does not support ENUM inputs.
  2. Only arguments may be used in Configured Request action (selection of fields is not available yet and all available fields would be returned in response)
  3. Configuration of Response structure max depth feauture in Configured Request action would not affect on actual result: all available fields would be returned with max available depth.