ID Linking component

ID Linking

A component used to map source data to target data.

General information


ID linking component is a integration component to link IDs between different systems.

Bucket contains bucket ID and an array of linked objects between the systems. Linked object IDs may be string, number or object.

Bucket samples:

Click to expand - Bucket Sample 1
  "bucketId": "some_sf_bucket_id",
  "linkedIds": [
      "systemAId": "00344000020qT3K",
      "systemBId": 123
      "systemAId": "0034400001uxwXZ",
      "systemBId": 62
Click to expand - Bucket Sample 2
  "bucketId": "some_sf_bucket_id",
  "linkedIds": [
      "systemAId": "00344000020qT3K",
      "systemBId": {
        "company": "mvise-eio",
        "id": "7c7fec00-d313-40c7-890b-3bc857bbb7dd"
      "systemAId": "0034400001uxwXZ",
      "systemBId": {
        "company": "mvise-salessphere",
        "id": "fc64c4f0-06f7-47ef-b3b6-8441b4837305"


Environment variables

No need to set up any environment variables manually. However, the component needs environment variables ELASTICIO_OBJECT_STORAGE_TOKEN and ELASTICIO_OBJECT_STORAGE_URI to connect to Maester service.


Bucket ID - a text input of a bucket ID to assign.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Delete Object

This action deletes a linked object from the list of linked objects in the bucket by the source system ID key provided once a match object is found.

Delete object

Config Fields

  • System Type to delete by (a key to lookup by) - (required) - A system to lookup the ID in. Either System A or System B.

  • Do not throw error when no object found - (optional) - This option defines the strategy to follow if no object found by the provided key. By default, an error No object found by provided ID in the bucket will be thrown. Once the checkbox is checked - an empty message will be returned instead of throwing errors.

Input Metadata

  • sourceSystemId - Number, String or Object (required). ID to lookup in the source system.

Output Metadata

  • result - a found object or empty. If result is not empty:
  • An object representing a bucket. Contains a bucket ID and an array of linked objects

Lookup Object

This action allows you to search linked objects in the bucket by the source system ID.

Lookup object

Config Fields

  • Allow ID To Be Omitted - When selected, the ID field becomes optional, otherwise it is a required field.

  • Object Not Found Behavior - (required) - Either Allow zero results or Wait for object to exist:

    • Allow zero results - When selected, if zero results are returned, the empty object {} is emitted, otherwise an error would be thrown.
    • Wait for object to exist - When selected, if no results are found, apply rebounds and wait until the object exits.
  • System ID Type - (required) - A system to lookup the ID in. Either System A or System B.

Input Metadata

  • sourceSystemId - Number, String or Object (required or optional - depending on Allow ID To Be Omitted checkbox). ID to lookup in the source system.

Output Metadata

  • result - a found object or empty

Upsert Object

This action allows you to create/update a linked object in the bucket by system ID keys.

Upsert object

Please Note: Currently buckets in Maester are being created with infinite lifetime.

Config Fields

  • System ID Type - (required) - A system to upsert the ID. Either System A or System B.

Input Metadata

  • System A ID - Number, String or Object (optional): ID value.
  • System B ID - Number, String or Object (optional): ID value.

Write Entire Bucket Contents

This action allows you to write linked objects (array of objects) in the bucket, Bucket ID needs to be specified in the credentials.

Write Entire Bucket Contents

Please Note: Currently buckets in Maester are being created with infinite lifetime.

Config Fields

There is no Config Fields in this action.

Input Metadata

  • linkedIds - (array, required): array of objects with optional fields: [{ systemAId: ["object", "string"], systemBId: ["object", "string"] }]
Click to expand - linkedIds
        "systemAId": "aid",
        "systemBId": "bid"
        "systemAId": "aid2",
        "systemBId": "bid2"

Output Metadata

  • bucketContents - (object, required): Echo back the value that was saved

Read Entire Bucket Contents

This action allows you to read linked objects (array of objects) from the bucket, Bucket ID needs to be specified in the credentials.

Read Entire Bucket Contents

Config Fields

There is no Config Fields in this action.

Input Metadata

There is no Input Metadata in this action.

Output Metadata

  • bucketContents - (object, required): Emit the entire contents of the bucket in a single message.