Lionbridge-translation component


Lionbridge translation component for the platform.


  • Username
  • Password
  • ApiURI
  • ProviderId

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about Lionbridge-translation component like changelog.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.

Usage example in flows:

To conveniently use this component, you should create two flows with such structures:

First flow:

<webhook> (retrieves input message for one of requestTranslationJob*** actions and sends it next)


<Lionbridge translate> (one of requestTranslationJob*** actions retrieves message from webhook and returns jobCode)


<Key:Value storage> (saves jobCode from previous step as "pending job")

Second flow:



<Key:Value storage> (read and return an array of jobCodes of "pending job")


<Node.js Code> (inside forEach loop emits every jobCode separately to the next step)


<Lionbridge translate> (return status of job by dint of "Retrieve job status" action)


<Filter> (compares body.statusCode to be equal "REVIEW_TRANSLATION". subsequest step will fire if filter expression returned - true)


<Key:Value storage> (removes jobCode from storage)


<Lionbridge translate> (retrieve translation result using jobCode)


[translated data comes to this step as message and you can use it as you wish]

Key concepts