Mailchimp component


A open standard application layer protocol for passing business messages between applications or organizations.




This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Add new Subscriber

Upserts information about the subscriber in the list, if subscriber with given e-mail already exists then information will be updated. If not will be added.

Add new Subscriber This method uses:

PUT /lists/{list_id}/members/{subscriber_hash}

See here for more information


This action unsubscribes user from the given list:

Unsubscribe Actions uses following HTTP method:

DELETE /lists/${listId}/members/${hash}

See here for more information.

Upsert Customer

Upserts information about the customer in the list, if cubscriber already exists then information will be updated. If not will be added.

Upsert Customer See here for more information.