MsSQL component


MsSQL designed for use in corporate applications, both on-premises and in the cloud.


You may use following properties to configure a connection:

Properties to configure a connection other types of configuration parameters are also supported, more information and samples you can find here

Environment Variables

Please Note: From the platform version 20.51 we deprecated the component LOG_LEVEL environment variable. Now you can control logging level per each step of the flow.

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about MsSQL component like changelog.


SELECT Trigger and Action

With this action you may fetch data out of the database, e.g. using SELECT statement.

SELECT Trigger and Action - configure input This trigger & action has no limitations on the number of rows so you may expect to get all of these via sequential fetching that is implemented within the node.js mssql driver.


Component will remember last execution timestamp and let you build queries on it:

select * from Leads where Created >= '%%EIO_LAST_POLL%%'

where just before executing the statement the %%EIO_LAST_POLL%% will be replaced with ISO Date of the last execution, for example 2017-08-25T07:43:48.127Z. During the first execution, date will be equal to the bigging of time - 1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z.


SELECT action

Check the SELECT Action description above.


INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE Action - configure input You may use this action to do the operations that are not producing output rows but do the database manipulations, e.g. INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements. Internally we use prepared statements, so all incoming data is validated against SQL injection, however we had to build a connection from JavaScript types to the MSSQL data types therefore when doing a prepared statements you would need to add :type to each prepared statement variable.

For example if you have a following SQL statement:

(Lang, "Text", id, CreatedAt, Username, ScreenName)
(@lang, @text, @id, @created_at, @username, @screenname)

you should add :type to each @parameter so your SQL query will looks like this:

(Lang, "Text", id, CreatedAt, Username, ScreenName)
(@lang, @text, @id:bigint, @created_at:date, @username, @screenname)

Following types are supported:

  • string (also default type if type is omitted)
  • number (will be converted to MSSQL int)
  • bigint
  • boolean (will be converted to MSSQL bit)
  • float
  • date (will be converted to DateTime2)
  • money

more details can be found here

Component supports dynamic incoming metadata - as soon as your query is in place it will be parsed and incoming metadata will be generated accordingly.