Oracle E-Business Suite Component

Oracle E-Business Suite

A component for working with Oracle E-Business Suite services on the platform.


This is the component for working with Oracle E-Business Suite services on platform.


The component allows you to connect to Oracle E-Business Suite through REST services provided by Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway (ISG). For more information about Oracle EBS, visit the Oracle’s official documentation.


To use the Oracle EBS connector, you need the following:

  • REST Service Locator deployed as a REST service (default alias: servicelocator).
  • Configuring REST web services in Oracle EBS and deploying them via the Integration Repository.

Deploy the REST Service Locator

Here is a short version from Oracle Developer’s Guide Using Java APIs as REST Services:

  1. Log in to Oracle EBS with the credentials that have the Integration Administrator role.
  2. In the left Navigator panel select the Integration Repository link.
  3. In the Integration Repository tab, click Search button.
  4. In the Internal Name input enter and click Go button.
  5. Click the REST Service Locator interface name link.
  6. In the REST Web Service tab, enter the Service Alias: servicelocator and click Deploy button.


REST Web Service is secured by HTTP Basic Authentication at HTTP Transport level. You need EBS domain name or IP address, user name and password.

Name Description
EBS Domain Specify your EBS domain name or IP address.
Username Specify your username for access to ESB service.
Password Specify your password for access to ESB service.
Service Locator Name If REST Service Locator deployed under alias different from servicelocator you may specify it explicitly in the Service Locator name input.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


Execute method

Execute a method with the specified parameters on EBS server and return results.

List of Expected Config fields

  • Interface name - a dropdown list where you should choose an interface name which you want to use.
  • Method name - a dropdown list where you should choose a method name from the selected interface.

Expected input/output metadata

Method input formats are all unique and created dynamically.

Known limitations

  • base64Binary data types not supported
  • custom data types represented in UI as an object