SAP ByDesign component

SAP ByDesign

A component to work with the SAP byDesign API.


An iPaaS component that provides an opportunity to interact with SAP byDesign API. SAP byDesign API integration with


As an iPaaS platform must have an opportunity to interact with SAP Business byDesign API.


Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB false Value of allocated memory 2048 recommended
ELASTICIO_REBOUND_LIMIT false Number of rebounds Default 5

Please Note: From the platform version 20.51 we deprecated the component LOG_LEVEL environment variable. Now you can control logging level per each step of the flow.


Property name Required Description Example
Service URL true  
Username true Username for authentication sapAdmin
Password true Password for authentication adminPassw

Important: User should have access rights to get WSIL service descriptor and rights to call a service operation which was specified during the Call Service configuration.


Get New And Updated Objects Polling

Get New And Updated Objects Polling

  1. Polling Object - objects that going to be polled by the trigger.

  2. Emit Behaviour - Fetch All emit all polled objects in one message, Emit Individually creates separate message for each object.

  3. Polling Type - Created poll for created objects, Updated poll for updated objects . Some objects have only Created or Updated Polling Type, e.g. Query Customer Contracts.

  4. Size Of Polling Page - the maximum number of objects retrieved by one poll call.

  5. Start Datetime Of Polling - the start datetime of polling in the iso format.

Supported Objects

At the moment only few object types are supported:

  1. Query Materials

  2. Query Sales Orders

  3. Query Accounts

  4. Query Customer Contracts


Call Service

Calls SAP byDesign service for specified binding and operation.

Call Service The configuration fields are:

Input field Required Description Example
Service Name true Service of SAP By Design to call Query Accounts
Binding true SOAP Service binding binding_SOAP12
Operation true SOAP Service operation FindByElements
Enable Rebound For SOAP Fault false Default: No. If Yes enables rebound for SOAP Fault Yes or No

Additional info


  1. Rebound for the SOAP Fault can be enabled with configuration parameter Enable Rebound For SOAP Fault: Yes.

  2. Rebound enabled only for SOAP Fault code: SOAP-ENV:Server.

  3. Number of rebounds can be controlled with the environment variable : ELASTICIO_REBOUND_LIMIT. In case when user set Enable Rebound For SOAP Fault: Yes but did not specify ELASTICIO_REBOUND_LIMIT, component will act accordingly to rebound feature default behavior

Request examples

1. Query Accounts

Query Accounts Example in metadata:

    "CustomerByElementsQuery_sync": {
      "customerSelectionByElements": {
        "selectionByCreationDateTime": [
            "inclusionExclusionCode": "I",
            "intervalBoundaryDateTime": "7",
            "upperBoundaryDateTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "processingConditions": {
        "queryHitsMaximumNumberValue": 2,
        "queryHitsUnlimitedIndicator": false

2. Query Price Lists

Query Price Lists Example in metadata:

    "SalesPriceListFindByTypeCodeAndPropertyIDAndPropertyValueQuery_sync": {
      "salesPriceList": {
        "lastChangedDatetimeInterval": {
          "lowerBoundaryDateTime": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
          "upperBoundaryDateTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"

3. Query Sales Orders

Query Sales Orders Example in metadata:

    "SalesOrderByElementsQuery_sync": {
      "salesOrderSelectionByElements": {
        "selectionByLastChangedDate": [
            "inclusionExclusionCode": "I",
            "IntervalBoundaryTypeCode": "7",
            "upperBoundaryDateTime": "2019-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "processingConditions": {
        "queryHitsMaximumNumberValue": 2,
        "queryHitsUnlimitedIndicator": false

4. Query Materials Query Materials

Example in metadata:

    "MaterialByElementsQuery_sync": {
      "materialSelectionByElements": {
        "SelectionByLastChangeSinceDateTime": "2001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
      "processingConditions": {
        "queryHitsMaximumNumberValue": 2,
        "queryHitsUnlimitedIndicator": false

5. Product Availability (Available To Promise Check) Determine availability of products

Example in metadata:

    "ProductAvailabilityDeterminationQuery_sync": {
      "productAvailabilityDeterminationQuery": {
        "productAndSupplyPlanningArea": [
            "supplyPlanningAreaID": {
              "value": "P1100"
            "productInternalID": {
              "value": "P100101"
            "productTypeCode": "1"
        "productAvailabilityDeterminationHorizonDuration": "P2D",
        "considerScopeOfCheckIndicator": false


  1. Currently, the component documentation does not contain JSON schemas for each object types. The documentation contains only request examples and links to SOAP service documentation.

  2. The component does not comply with OIH standards.

  3. Get New And Updated Objects Polling trigger currently supports only few objects, please see full list.

  4. Due to a platform feature ‘retrieving sample’ timeout a sample may not be retrieved during the component setup process. It is not a bug as it is caused by a heavy-weight Java process for serialization/deserialization of JAXB structure for SAP’s WSDL. Which is normally of huge size. We are hardly working on this issue and it will likely be fixed in the nearest releases. But for now please be patient. As this issue is only for UI retrieve sample functionality it will NOT affect you in runtime.