SAP ECC Component


A component that communicates with provided SAP ECC (R/3, ERP) system.

General Information

How works

Communication with SAP ECC (R3) established using SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo).

API Version

SAP Java Connector 3.0.19 SDK is being used.


Environment Variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB false Recommended value of allocated memory, MB 512

Please Note: From the platform version 20.51 we deprecated the component LOG_LEVEL environment variable. Now you can control logging level per each step of the flow.


  1. Connection Type - Mandatory. type of connection. Options: Application Server and Message Server. Application Server (AS) provides programming interfaces to handle data (get, create, update, delete). The application server exposes two interfaces: ABAP and Java. The SAP Message Server manages communication between the application servers, passes requests from one application server to another within the system and contains information about application server groups and the current load balancing within them. It uses this information to choose an appropriate server when a user logs on to the system.

  2. SAP Message Service - Mandatory for connection type: Message Server.

  3. SAP System Number - Mandatory. System Number of SAP ECC (R/3, ERP) DB.

  4. SAP Client Number - Client Number of SAP ECC (R/3, ERP). Client number may be different for different installations. But here is an example of clients available in one of the standard installation types (an extraction from SAP’s official documentation):
    • 000 - serves as standard delivery client (as usual in on-premise deployments)
    • 100 - is the primary demo client that contains the pre-configured scenarios and sample data.
    • 200 - can be used to experience the activation of SAP Best Practices on your own (see the SAP Best Practices implementation guide for details)
    • 300 - contains the activated Best Practices based on the White-list approach
    • 400 - contains the activated Best Practices based on the merged-client-000 approach
  5. SAP Hostname - Mandatory. Domain or IP of SAP ECC (R/3, ERP) System.

  6. SAP User Name - Mandatory. Username that used for SAP ECC (R/3, ERP) connection.

  7. SAP Password - Mandatory. Password that used for SAP ECC (R/3, ERP) connection.

  8. SAP Language - Language to operate in SAP ECC (R/3, ERP).


SAP ECC (R/3, ERP) component includes the following triggers:

  1. RFC Server (Only for Realtime flows) Generic trigger which gives possibility to receive RFC calls from the SAP ECC platform.


SAP ECC (R/3, ERP) component includes the following actions:

  1. Call RFC Service Generic action which gives possibility to call an RFC function on the SAP ECC platform.

Known Limitations

  1. Chain function call in one transaction context not supported.
  2. IDOC mechanism of RFC function call not supported.
  3. Component does not support Local Agents.
  4. Asynchronous operations are not supported.
  5. RFC Server trigger currently supports callback requests only. RFC server can not define the RFC call response. After receiving the request the server responses with an input BAPI structure.
  6. RFC Server trigger works for realtime flows only.

Deployment limitations

Technical details

A component can be deployed to the platform starting from the version 3.19.0-rc.1. Sap Jco client library is not supported in the default version of the task docker image.

Steps to deploy the component:

  1. Push the HEAD master version of the component to the component repository.
  2. Run gradle clean build.
  3. Build a local docker image using a docker file from the component repository.
docker build . --no-cache -t

where s

  • - IP address one of platform nodes
  • docker_dir - the name of the docker directory
  • 31001 - port of docker registry
  • test19 - tag of the docker image which you will use for new component version
  1. Push docker image to the docker registry (you need VPN access to the platform subnet):
docker push
  1. Find document in the collection repobuilds which connected with your last git push and update version of docker image to test19
"dockerImage" : "docker_dir/5d5a7ffa8cd40800110e37e3:test20",