Sdl-translate component


A intelligent platform designed for teams involved in the localization supply chain.


In oprder to authenticate, you need to retrieve an apiKey from your SDL languagecloud account

Guide of how to retrieve an apiKey (Getting started -> Generate API Key)

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about Sdl-translate component like changelog.


This component has no trigger functions. This means it will not be accessible to select as a first component during the integration flow design.


When specifying the language in a Configure input section, use two or three letter codes for that. For example,

english -> en
russian -> ru
franch -> fr
english -> eng
russian -> rus
franch -> fra

Such codes can be foud in a result of Retrieve supported language pairs action execution

Retrieve supported languages

Action will return a list of supported language pairs with specified three letters codes for every language

Translate phrase

If source language is not specified, action will use detect language feature and choose most probable option as source language

Translate phrase

Detect language

Detect language

Translate object properties

Translate object properties

Usage example

input message:

    "sourceObject": {
        "hello": "hello world",
        "capital": "London is the capital of Great Britain"
    "sourceLang": "en",
    "targetLang": "de"

output message:

    "hello": "Hallo Welt",
    "capital": "London ist die Hauptstadt von Großbritannien"

Translate array of objects

Translate array of objects

Usage example

input message:

	"sourceArray": [
            "hello": "hello world",
            "capital": "London is the capital of Great Britain"
			"color": "red",
			"mood": "great mood"
	"sourceLang": "en",
	"targetLang": "de"

output message:

    "translatedArray": [
    		"capital": "London ist die Hauptstadt von Großbritannien",
    		"hello": "Hallo Welt"
    		"mood": "großartige Stimmung",
    		"color": "rot"

Known limitations

The component was not tested with the latest SDL version. Althouh it was fully tested with one the recent SDL releases, 100% compatibility can not be guaranteed

Guide of how to retrieve an apiKey