Shopware component


A component to work with Shopware API.

IMPORTANT: This component was tested with the Shopware version 5 (5.6). If you are working with version 6 please use this component


This is component for Shopware eCommerce software which is developed specifically to run on platform.


PLEASE NOTE: This component depends on Shopware REST API extenstions, please install it first before proceeding further. please install it first before proceeding further.


Property name Required
BaseURL true
User true
Password true

Query Articles/Products

Shopware has a concept of Artikel in German which their UI translates to Products in English which is available through their API at the /article endpoint. There is a trigger Query Articles which queries for new & updated products. The results are returned in batches of the form


The batch size is configurable as a parameter. The batches can be broken up by the mapper as they proceed to the next step.

The output of this method includes only information about the product. It does not include information about the variants of the article. This information can be obtained by having the Query Articles trigger followed by the Get Article Details By Id action. This action will return all the details for an article including information about the articles variants.


Query Articles

Get new and updated article information through the /articles API.

Sample Example

  "products": [
      "taxId": 52277893,
      "name": "exercitation nostrud voluptate in",
      "description": "culpa ea",
      "descriptionLong": "quis sunt exercitation",
      "added": "velit minim aute",
      "pseudoSales": 38771027,
      "highlight": true,
      "keywords": "eu Ut ad",
      "metaTitle": "sint aliquip Excepteur nostrud",
      "changed": "Lorem ex",
      "lastStock": false,
      "availableFrom": "amet nisi ut cupidatat",
      "availableTo": "ad",
      "supplierId": -81844813,
      "active": -6545272


Orders per request: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000:

Query Articles - Limitations

Query Customers

Query Customers - Input


Orders per request: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000.

Query Customers - Limitations

Query Newsletter Subscribers

Sample Example

  "id": -12202511,
  "email": "ullamco adipisicing sit consequat",
  "firstname": "est dolor",
  "lastname": "nostrud",
  "salutation": "aute ea velit Ut dolor",
  "isCustomer": false,
  "groupId": 8020795,
  "lastNewsletterId": 29310366,
  "lastReadId": 87374529

Query Orders

Query Orders - Input


Orders per request: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000.

Query Orders - Limitations


Add price

This action adds price to the selected article:

Add Price - input

Get Article Details By Id

Get article information through the /articles API:

Get Article Details By Id - input

Upsert Object

Action creates a new object or updates object which already exists by provided ID (by default) or Number (MainDetail.Number). This action makes POST request when get message body without ID to create new entity and PUT request when get message body includes ID or Number to update existing object. The request will be repeated (rebound) in case of retrieving following error codes from the remoute server: 408, 423, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504.

Upsert Object - input

Deprecated Actions

Update Customer

This action is deprecated, please use Upsert Object By ID Action instead.

Create or Update Product

This action is deprecated, please use Upsert Object By ID Action instead.

Create or Update Customer Group

This action is deprecated, please use Upsert Object By ID Action instead.

Update order

This action is deprecated, please use Upsert Object By ID Action instead.

Shopware API Limitations/Improvements

The Shopware API has many shortcomings which limit the ability to use Shopware out of the box. Shopware allows for features to be requested in their issue tracker.