Snowflake component


A component for management over Snowflake database.

General information


This is a component for management over Snowflake database on platform. Snowflake supports the following constraint types from the ANSI SQL standard:

  • NOT NULL Important: - Snowflake supports defining and maintaining constraints, but does not enforce them, except for NOT NULL constraints, which are always enforced. Overview of Snowflake Constraints It means that:
  • Multiple rows can be created with the same UNIQUE value
  • Multiple rows can be created with the same PRIMARY KEY value
  • etc

Environment variables

No required Environment variables.



  • Username: Snowflake user login name to connect with

  • Password: Password for the user

  • Account Name: The full name of your account (provided by Snowflake). Please enter the name without part.

  • User role: Security role to use for the session after connecting

  • Warehouse: The default virtual warehouse to use for the session after connecting

  • Database Name: Database name


  1. Get Rows Polling Trigger


Snowflake component includes the following actions:

  1. Execute custom query action - Action to execute custom SQL query from provided request string.

  2. Insert action - This action will execute insert query into the specified table.

  3. Lookup row by primary key action - This action will lookup row by it’s primary key

  4. Delete row by primary key action - This action will delete row by it’s primary key

  5. Upsert row by primary key action - This action will execute upsert row by it’s primary key.

  6. Select action -The action will execute an SQL query that can return multiple results.

  7. Execute stored procedure action - This action calls stored procedure