SugarCRM component


A user interface, industry-leading customer experience, and an intuitive customization platform.

This is an open source component template for SugarCRM which is developed specifically to run on platform. You can clone it and change it as you wish.


In order for the platform to authenticate with SugarCRM, the following tasks need to be completed:

  • An admin must manually create an OAuth App on the SugarCRM instance through SugarCRM’s UI.
  • If using a version of SugarCRM released after Winter ‘18, you must register a platform on your SugarCRM instance.
  • With Sugar 8, this can be done through the UI here](register-sugarcrm-value).
  • It is also possible to load new platform values by creating and installing a module. Developers use the platform parameter to distinguish their custom platform from other clients when using the Sugar API. For example, when a user accesses Sugar via the desktop client and the mobile client simultaneously without being logged out of either, it is because the API recognizes that they are different platforms due to their unique platform identifiers. The platform identifier also makes it easy for a Sugar administrator to configure which API platforms are allowed to access their instance via Admin > Configure API Platforms.

To learn more about platform identifiers, please refer to the Sugar Developer Blog in the SugarCRM Community.

  • Finally, authentication information for your Sugar instance must be entered into the UI (step by step instructions below).

Authentication on platform

Authentication on platform Fill in the following for your account:

  • Name Your Account: Name to identify this account on
  • Your SugarCRM domain: URL of your Sugar CRM instance.
  • Your login: Username used to login to SugarCRM instance.
  • Your password: Password used to login to SugarCRM instance.
  • Your OAuth 2.0 Consumer Key: Value created in step 5ii.
  • Your OAuth 2.0 Consumer Secret: Value created in step 5iii.
  • Custom Platform Value: Platform value registered above.

For real-time tasks please use separate oauth keys to avoid login conflicts.

Parameter platform should be set to some custom string but should be unique per sugar component in order to avoid any potential login conflicts. So now platform is “$TASK_ID:$STEP_ID”.


SugarCRM component includes the following triggers:

  1. Fetching New and Updated Objects from SugarCRM - Polling
    It is possible to fetch any type newly created and/or updated object in your SugarCRM instance.

  2. Fetching New and Updated Objects from SugarCRM - Webhook
    It is possible to have new and updated objects be pushed to the platform via webhooks.

  3. Fetch Deleted Objects from SugarCRM - Webhook
    It is possible to have the ids of deleted objects be pushed to the platform via webhooks.


SugarCRM component includes the following actions:

  1. Lookup Object By ID action
    Given an object, looks up the object with that ID. You must select the type of object to lookup.

  2. Lookup Objects action
    Lookup a list of objects satisfying specified criteria.

  3. Delete Object By ID action
    Given an object, deletes the object with that ID. You must select the type of object to lookup.

  4. Upsert Object By ID action
    Update an existing entry if the id provided. Otherwise create a new entry. You must select the type of object to lookup.

  5. Bulk Create Objects action
    Provides a simple interface for quickly creating large amounts of objects.

  6. Bulk Update Objects action
    Provides a simple interface for quickly updating large amounts of objects.

  7. Bulk Delete Objects action
    Provides a simple interface for quickly deleting large amounts of objects.

  8. Query action
    Retrieve a set of records filtered by an expression utilizing the SugarCRM REST API filter endpoint.

Configuration Info

Required environment variables

For the local testing (e.g. spec-integration) ELASTICIO_TASK_ID and ELASTICIO_STEP_ID environment variables should be provided.

Version and compatibility information

This component interacts with version 10 of the SugarCRM REST API. It has been tested with:

  • SugarCRM Enterprise, Version (Build 1074) and
  • SugarCRM Enterprise, Version 8.0.0 (Build 211) (Spring '18)