Ukraine-alerts Component

Ukraine alerts

Component to retrieve alerts statuses for Ukraine regions.

Component to retrieve alerts statuses for Ukraine regions.


No credentials needed.


Get Ukraine Alerts Polling

Polls for alerts statuses for chosen Ukraine regions.

Configuration Fields

  • Regions - (array, required): Array of selected regions to receive statuses.
  • Emit data if no alerts found - (checkbox, optional): If checked: when no alerts are found empty array will be emitted. Not checked by default.


Subscription for alarms activation and deactivation.

Please Note: To activate subscription you should press Start Flow and after flow started - trigger it by pressing on a flow webhook URI:


Configuration Fields

  • Regions. A multiselect field where you can specify the regions you want to receive alerts about. The component will only emit alerts in these specific regions.

Please Note: Only parent regions are supported for now. This means that is you want to get alerts in a sub-region 1102 you need to choose a parent region 5.

  "regionId": "5",
  "regionName": "Рівненська область",
  "regionType": "State",
  "regionChildIds": [
      "regionId": "110",
      "regionName": "Вараський район",
      "regionType": "District",
      "regionChildIds": [
          "regionId": "1102",
          "regionName": "Антонівська територіальна громада",
          "regionType": "Community"

All regions of Ukraine with the corresponding IDs are listed here:

Click to expand
  "3": "Хмельницька область (Khmelnytsky region)",
  "4": "Вінницька область (Vinnytsia region)",
  "5": "Рівненська область (Rivne region)",
  "8": "Волинська область (Volyn region)",
  "9": "Дніпропетровська область (Dnipropetrovsk region)",
  "10": "Житомирська область (Zhytomyr region)",
  "11": "Закарпатська область (Zakarpattia region)",
  "12": "Запорізька область (Zaporizhzhya region)",
  "13": "Івано-Франківська область (Ivano-Frankivsk region)",
  "14": "Київська область (Kyiv region)",
  "15": "Кіровоградська область (Kirovohrad region)",
  "16": "Луганська область (Luhansk region)",
  "17": "Миколаївська область (Mykolaiv region)",
  "18": "Одеська область (Odesa region)",
  "19": "Полтавська область (Poltava region)",
  "20": "Сумська область (Sumy region)",
  "21": "Тернопільська область (Ternopil region)",
  "22": "Харківська область (Kharkiv region)",
  "23": "Херсонська область (Kherson region)",
  "24": "Черкаська область (Cherkasy region)",
  "25": "Чернігівська область (Chernihiv region)",
  "26": "Чернівецька область (Chernivtsi region)",
  "27": "Львівська область (Lviv region)",
  "28": "Донецька область (Donetsk region)",
  "31": "м. Київ (Kyiv city)"


There is no actions in this component.