Xero component


iPaaS component that connects to Xero API

Related pages:

Xero Technical Notes


Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
REQUEST_MAX_RETRY false Set how many time system try to make request to API on errors (3 by default) any integer above 0
REQUEST_RETRY_DELAY false Delay between retry attempts in milliseconds (1000 by default) any integer above 0
REQUEST_TIMEOUT false HTTP requests timeout in milliseconds (120000 by default) any integer above 0
BASE_URL false Base url for Xero API, https://api.xero.com/ by default any string


Authentication occurs via OAuth 2.0. In order to make OAuth work, you need a new App in your Xero developer account - go to My Apps, press New app button, provide following information:

  • App name - Any as you want
  • Integration type - Web app
  • Company or application URL - Provide iPaaS installation url
  • Redirect URI - Same as above, but with additional /callback/oauth2 at the end, more info

After app is created, go to Configuration section where you can find Client id and generate Client secret. this fields required to component works

When you finish preparing application, you be able to add new Credentials on platform:

  • Select existing Auth Client from drop-down list Choose Auth Client or create the new one:

Add Auth Client

  • Name - (string, required) Any as you want
  • Client ID - (string, required) Provide by Xero app
  • Client Secret - (string, required) Provide by Xero app
  • Authorization Endpoint - (string, required) Url to Xero authorization - https://login.xero.com/identity/connect/authorize
  • Token Endpoint (string, required) - Url to Xero refresh token - https://identity.xero.com/connect/token
  • Name Your Credential - (string, required) Any as you want
  • Scopes - (string, required) Provide list with needed data that you want to be able to have access, full list and description, minimum required list - openid, profile, email, offline_access

  • click on Authenticate button - if you have not logged in Hubspot before, then log in by entering data in the login window that appears
  • click on Verify button for verifying your credentials (it use request to /connections)
  • click on Save button for saving your credentials


Get Updated Objects Polling

Retrieve all the updated objects within a given time range.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (string, required): Object-type to lookup on. E.g Invoices.
  • Start Time - (string, optional): The timestamp, in ISO8601 format, to start polling from (inclusive). Default value is the beginning of time (January 1, 1970 at 00:00.000).
  • End Time - (string, optional): The timestamp, in ISO8601 format, to end at (inclusive). Default value is never.


Lookup Object (at most one)

Lookup a single object by a selected field that uniquely identifies it.

Configuration Fields

  • Tenant - (required, dropdown): Select tenant you want to make request
  • Object Type - (string, required): Object-type to lookup on. E.g Users.
  • Lookup Criteria - (object, required): A list of object parameters that can uniquely identify the object in the database.
  • Allow criteria to be omitted - (boolean, optional): If selected field Lookup Criteria Value becomes optional.
  • Allow zero results - (boolean, optional): When selected, if the object is not found - an empty object will be returned instead of throwing error.
  • Include attachments - (optional, checkbox): If selected, system will include all object attachments as array in Attachments key
  • Upload attachments to platform - (optional, checkbox) If selected, system will include all object attachments as array in Attachments key and upload them to platform storage, original Xero url will be saved as OriginalUrl

Input Metadata

  • Lookup Criteria Value - (string, required unless Allow criteria to be omitted is selected): Value for unique search criteria in Lookup Criteria configuration field.

Output Metadata

result object with result of lookup as value.

Lookup Objects (plural)

Lookup a set of object by defined criteria list. Can be emitted in different way.

Configuration Fields

  • Object Type - (string, required): Object-type to lookup on
  • Emit Behavior - (dropdown, required): Defines the way result objects will be emitted, one of Emit all, Emit page or Emit individually
  • Tenant - (required, dropdown): Select tenant you want to make request
  • Include attachments - (optional, checkbox): If selected, system will include all object attachments as array in Attachments key

    Please Note: there will be additional request for each object which has attachments

  • Upload attachments to platform - (optional, checkbox) If selected, system will include all object attachments as array in Attachments key and upload them to platform storage, original Xero url will be saved as OriginalUrl

    Please Note: there will be more additional requests for each object: get attachments from Xero, download each and upload it to platform

Input Metadata

  • Search Criteria - (array, optional): Search terms are to be combined with the AND operator, represent Xero Where filter, example:
    ["Contact.ContactID = guid(\"96988e67-ecf9-466d-bfbf-0afa1725a649\")", "Type.StartsWith(\"ACC\")", "Date >= DateTime(2022, 06, 04)", "Date < DateTime(2022, 06, 05)"]
  • Order by - (array, optional): Ordering direction, example:
    ["Status asc", "Date desc"]

If selected Emit Behavior is Emit page additionally fields will be added:

  • Page Number - (number, defaults to infinity): Indicates total pages to be fetched
  • Page Size - (number, defaults to 100): Indicates number of objects pear page

Output Metadata

For Emit All or Emit Page mode: An object, with key results that has an array as its value. For Emit Individually mode: Each object which fill the entire message.

Make Raw Request

Executes custom request

Configuration Fields

  • Don’t throw error on 404 Response - (optional, checkbox) Treat 404 HTTP responses not as error, defaults to false
  • Tenant - (required, dropdown) Select tenant you want to make request

Input Metadata

  • Url - (string, required) Path of the resource relative to the base URL
  • Method - (string, required) HTTP verb to use in the request, one of GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
  • Request Body - (object, optional) Body of the request to send

Output Metadata

  • Status Code - (number, required) HTTP status code of the response
  • HTTP headers - (object, required) HTTP headers of the response
  • Response Body - (object, optional) HTTP response body

Upsert Object

Updates (of record found) or creates a new object.

Configuration Fields

  • Tenant - (required, dropdown): Select tenant you want to make request
  • Object Type - (dropdown, required): Object-type to upsert. E.g Invoice.

Input Metadata

  • [Object Type]ID - (string, optional): ID of the object to upsert. And dynamically generated fields according to chosen Upsert Schema.

Please Note: to create object, minimum required fields needs to be filled:

  • Invoice: Type, Contact, LineItems
  • Contact: Name

Please also Note: If object with provided ID not found, component create a new object

Output Metadata

Result object from upsert.

Void approved invoices or bills

If an invoice has been AUTHORISED it cannot be deleted but you can set it’s status to VOIDED

Configuration Fields

  • Tenant - (dropdown, required) Select tenant you want to make request

Input Metadata

  • Invoice ID - (string, required): Xero generated unique identifier for invoice

Output Metadata

  • Updated invoice

Known limitations

Please visite Xero API limits