Zendesk component


Article on why and how to use Zendesk component.

General information


Zendesk component for the elastic.io platform.

API version

The component uses API v2 version of Zendesk.

Environment variables

No required Environment variables.


The component uses Password Grant type.

  • Base URL - URL of your instance (without /api/v2). Example https://examplesupport.zendesk.com.
  • Username - Your login for zendesk instance.
  • Password - Your password for zendesk instance.
  • Client Id - The unique identifier specified in an OAuth client in the Support admin interface (Admin > Channels > API > OAuth Clients). See Registering your application with Zendesk.
  • Client Secret - The secret specified in an OAuth client in the Support admin interface (Admin > Channels > API > OAuth Clients). See Registering your application with Zendesk.


Subscribe To Ticket Audits

Config Fields

  • Audit events to report - Multi-select dropdown (required): Indicates which type of audit events should be published.
  • Start Time - TextField (string, optional): Indicates the beginning time to start retrieving events from.
  • End Time - TextField (string, optional, defaults to never): If provided, don’t fetch records modified after this time.
  • Size of Polling Page - TextField (optional, positive integer, defaults to 1000): Indicates the size of pages to be fetched.
  • Single Page per Interval - Checkbox: Indicates that if the number of changed records exceeds the maximum number of results in a page, instead of fetching the next page immediately, wait until the next flow start to fetch the next page.


Lookup Object By Id

This action allows you to search objects by unique ID.

Config Fields

  • Object Type - Dropdown (required): provides selection of object type.

  • Allow ID To Be Omitted - Checkbox (optional, default false): When selected, if zero results are returned, the empty object {} is emitted, otherwise typically an error would be thrown.

  • Wait For Object To Exist - Checkbox (optional, default false): When selected, if no results are found, apply rebounds and wait until the object exits.

  • Linked Objects To Populate - Multi-Select Dropdown (optional, no objects selected by default): Select which linked objects to fetch.

Available options to select:

Click to expand
  • “Users”
  • “Groups
  • “Organizations”
  • “Last audits”
  • “Metric sets”
  • “Dates”
  • “Sharing agreements”
  • “Comment count”
  • “Incident counts”
  • “Ticket forms”
  • “Metric events (single ticket)”
  • “Slas (single ticket)”
  • “List of comments”

Input Metadata

  • ID - Number, Optional. ID to make request to, e.g. to get ticket by ID: https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets/{ID}.

Output Metadata

  • Matching object or empty object.

Lookup Objects

Config Fields

  • Object Type - (Dropdown with a single option: Ticket, required).
  • Behaviour - (Dropdown with options: Fetch all, Fetch page, Emit individually, required).
  • Number of search terms - (Positive integer number [1-99] or 0 to lookup all entities of chosen type).

Input Metadata

Dynamically generated:

  • Fetch all:

    • Max Result Size (optional) - Positive integer to restrict maximum result size for action (defaults to 1000).
  • Fetch page:

    • Page size (optional) - Positive integer to indicate a size of page (defaults to 100).
    • Page number (required) - Positive 0 based integer to indicate page to return.
    • Order (optional) - Array of fieldName and sort direction pairs.

Usage example of Fetch page option:

  • Page size (5), Page number(0) - first five elements.
  • Page size (10), Page number(1) - second 10 elements.

Sorting is available on the following fields:

  • created
  • updated
  • commented
  • priority
  • status
  • ticket_type


  • Search terms (optional) - Allow making search between objects.

Make Raw Request

Config Fields

  • Do not throw error on 404 Response code - (boolean, optional, default false): Indicate how 404 response codes should be handled. (Either emit the 404 code to the next component or throw an error).

Input Metadata

  • HTTP Verb - Allowed values GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, Required. HTTP verb to use in the request.
  • Path - String, Required. Path to make request to (without /api/v2/, e.g. to list tickets paste here not https://{subdomain}.zendesk.com/api/v2/tickets but tickets).
  • Request Body - Object, Optional. Body to attach to the HTTP Request.

Output Metadata

  • Status Code (Integer, required): HTTP status code of the response.
  • Response Body (Object, optional): HTTP response body.

Upsert Object By Id

Config Fields

  • Object Type - (Dropdown with a single option: Ticket, required).

Input Metadata

Dynamically generated:

  • ID (optional) - if filled and the object was found by this id - the object will be updated will create the new one in another case.
  • Inputs for all object fields and dynamically generated custom fields.

Add Attachment to Ticket

Input Metadata

  • Ticket ID (integer, required): ID of the ticket to link the attachment to.
  • Comment
  • Body (string, required).
  • Author ID (integer, optional): ID of the author of the comment.
  • Public (boolean, optional).
  • Array of attachments. Each item contain:
    • Attachment Url (String URL, required): URL to attachment within platform storage.
    • Filename (string, required): Filename that Zendesk should use for the attachment.
    • Connent Type (string, optional: default to application/binary): Content type to save in ZenDesk.