Zoho component

Zoho Subscriptions

A component that connects to Zoho Subscriptions API.


Zoho Subscriptions is a cloud-based recurring billing and subscription solution in the Zoho product family. It handles every aspect of your subscription-based business. It can automatically notify you when a payment doesn’t go through for some reason and automatically retries the card again.

About the component

This is elastic.io Zoho Subscriptions integration component. It has both trigger and action functions which means you can use it either to execute or to act upon a certain event. For example, using it as a trigger, you can filter existing subscriptions based on a subscription status. Using it as an action, you can create or update customer data or a subscription.

API Version

The component uses Zoho Subscription - API Version 1.0

Environment variables

Name Mandatory Description Values
API_RETRIES_COUNT false Set how many time system try to make request to API on errors (3 by default) integer above 0 and below 5
API_REQUEST_TIMEOUT false HTTP requests timeout in milliseconds (15000 by default) integer above 500 and below 20000
FACELESS_RETRIES_COUNT false Set how many time system try to reload access_token from Faceless service on 401 error (3 by default) integer above 0 and below 5


Component version 2.0.0 and higher contains breaking changes due to Deprecating Support for Authtokens: component start to use Faceless service for authentication, credentials must be re-created.

Zoho REST APIs uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to authorize and authenticate calls. During credentials creation you would need to:

  • select OAuth2 drop-down list Type.
  • select existing Auth Client from drop-down list Choose Auth Client or create the new one. For creating Auth Client you should specify following fields:
Field name Mandatory Description
Name true your Auth Client’s name
Client ID true your OAuth Client ID (see Step 1: Registering New Client)
Client Secret true your OAuth Client Secret (see Step 1: Registering New Client)
Authorization Endpoint true set: https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/auth
Token Endpoint true set: https://accounts.zoho.com/oauth/v2/token
  • fill field Name Your Credential
  • fill field Scopes (Comma-separated list) List of scopes available in Zoho Subscriptions you can find here, for current actions and triggers following scopes is required: ZohoSubscriptions.settings.READ, ZohoSubscriptions.customers.READ, ZohoSubscriptions.customers.UPDATE, ZohoSubscriptions.customers.CREATE, ZohoSubscriptions.subscriptions.CREATE, ZohoSubscriptions.subscriptions.UPDATE, ZohoSubscriptions.subscriptions.READ but if you don’t want to restrict your client, just use ZohoSubscriptions.fullaccess.all
  • fill field Additional parameters (Comma-separated list) as access_type:offline
  • click on Authenticate button - the process would take you to Zoho to log-in and give permissions to the platform to access your service.
  • click on Verify button for verifying your credentials
  • click on Save button for saving your credentials


Technical Notes

Please check the technical notes page which lists in-depth technical details about Zoho component like the recent changelog.


Get All Subscriptions

Filters existing subscriptions based on Subscription Status. You can select any custom or built-in Subscription Status for your Zoho Subscription instance.

Input field description

Subscription Status: Drop down menu where you have to select the type of status you want to filter subscriptions. Email : Filters subscription based on customer email address.

Get All Subscriptions


Retrieve Customer

Due to some limitations of Zoho Subscription API, you cannot check if a customer exists. As a result, this action allows you check if a customer exist by inputting their Email. If customer exists it returns an object of the customer and its data and if customer doesn’t exist it returns an empty object.

Retrieve Customer

Upsert Customer

Lookup an object by Zoho Customer ID or Email. Action creates/updates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Zoho Customer account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Upsert Object

Upsert Subscription

Lookup an object by Zoho Customer ID or Zoho Subscription ID. Action creates/updates a single object. Input metadata is fetched dynamically from your Zoho Subscription account. Output metadata is the same as input metadata, so you may expect all fields that you mapped as input to be returned as output.

Upsert subscription

Known Limitations

As of right now the component does not take in account for Customers who wants an online subscription which will charge the customer’s card automatically on every renewal.