Microsoft Dynamics CRM component

Microsoft Dynamics CRM

A customer relations management tool developed by Microsoft.

Deprecated component

Plese note: the Microsoft Dynamics CRM component has been deprecated and is no longer supported. We highly recommend migrating to the newer Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 component, which offers improved functionality and ongoing maintenance.

Please update your codebase to utilize the Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 as soon as possible to ensure compatibility with future updates and benefit from the latest features.


Connects to Products in the Microsoft Dynamics/NAV Family Via the OData API which use Authorization grant.

Dynamics Remarks

See Dynamics Crm Remarks.


See how to configure an OData App for Dynamics On Azure Active Directory for details on this process.

Technical Notes

The technical notes page gives some technical details about Microsoft Dynamics CRM component like changelog and completeness matrix.


  1. Fetch new and updated objects
    Get objects which have recently been modified or created.

  2. Query Accounts
    Query Objects: Accounts.

  3. Query Contacts
    Query Objects: Contacts.

  4. Query Quotes
    Query Objects: Quotes.


  1. Bulk Create Objects
    Provides a simple interface for quickly creating large amounts of objects.

  2. Bulk Update Objects
    Provides a simple interface for quickly updating large amounts of objects.

  3. Bulk Delete Objects
    Provides a simple interface for quickly deleting large amounts of objects.

  4. Delete Object By ID
    Deletes a Selected Object.

  5. Lookup Object by Field(s)
    Given a set of criteria which matches exactly one record, find that matching record.

  6. Upsert Object
    Creates or Updates Selected Object.

Deprecated Actions

  1. Lookup Object by Field(deprecated)
    Use Lookup Object by Field(s) action instead.

  2. Upsert Object(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  3. Sync Accounts(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  4. Sync Contacts(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  5. Sync Invoices(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  6. Sync Orders(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  7. Sync Price Levels(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  8. Sync Product Price Levels(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  9. Sync Products(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  10. Sync Quotes(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  11. Sync Unit Groups(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

  12. Sync Units(deprecated)
    Use Upsert Object action instead.

Legacy Behavior

See the legacy behavior for details.

Configuration Info

Required environment variables

EIO_REQUIRED_RAM_MB must be set to 512. This is because the metadata file for the service is large enough that it requires additional RAM to be parsed.

For the local testing (e.g. spec-integration) the following environment variables are required:


Version and compatibility information

This component interacts with OData version 4. It has been tested with:

Microsoft Dynamics 365
2020 release wave 1 enabled
Server version: 9.1.0000.18042
Client version: 1.4.831-2005.2

Known limitations

The component was not tested with the latest Microsoft Dynamics CRM version. Althouh it was fully tested with one the recent Dynamics releases, 100% compatibility can not be guaranteed.