Microsoft Dynamics CRM component

Microsoft Dynamics CRM triggers

Microsoft Dynamics CRM component triggers.

Deprecated component

Plese note: the Microsoft Dynamics CRM component has been deprecated and is no longer supported. We highly recommend migrating to the newer Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 component, which offers improved functionality and ongoing maintenance.

Please update your codebase to utilize the Microsoft Dynamics CRM v2 as soon as possible to ensure compatibility with future updates and benefit from the latest features.

Fetch new and updated objects

Get objects which have recently been modified or created.

All Objects Programmatically Detectable Covered. Time range options not supported, Standardized isNew, createdOn and modifiedOn not included in output.

Query Accounts

Query Objects: Accounts.

Input fields description

Custom data filter - all available objects will be retrieved if no input provided. Not required field.

Query Contacts

Query Objects: Contacts.

No input fields available.

Query Quotes

Query Objects: Quotes.

Input fields description

  • Object type to fetch - a dropdown list where you should choose an entity set, which you want to lookup. E.g. accounts.